I Know You Want Me. I'm Irresistible

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My heart was pounding. What the actual fuck? No, no. It couldn’t be. I’m all the way in Arizona, there’s no way. Just because you’re in Arizona doesn’t make you safe. No shut up. You’re just being paranoid. There is absolutely no way it’s who you think it is. Probably wrong number. I forced myself to breathe and quickly text the number back.

Sorry, I think you have the wrong number :)

I saw Alex coming back and I quickly stuffed my phone into my bag. I stood up hurriedly. “Um, I think I should be getting back to Chels and Izzy. It’s late and I should be going home.” he looked confused and concerned. Ha, yeah right, bad boy Alex concerned? Ha, can I have your Medicare card? “But...” “I really should get going. Tonight was really fun.” I barely forced and smile before turning away. I felt him grab my wrist. “Alex...” “What’s wrong?” he asked. I tried to smile, hopefully it didn’t look like a grimace. “Nothing. I’m totally fine.” he eyed me disbelievingly. “Then why do you look so terrified?” I raised an eyebrow. “Terrified. Seriously?” my voice wavered giving me away instantly. “Laurel, what happened? Tell me-” I shook his hand off. “I’m sorry. I need to go. Good night Alex.” and I all but sprinted away from him. I pushed past people to find my two best friends. “Can you take me home? Like right now please.” “We saw you with Alex. Oh my gosh did he win you a giraffe?” Chels gasped. Their excited smiles faded at the sight of my expression. I tried to look neutral but my blood was rushing through my veins. “Gosh, what happened? You look like you saw a ghost.” Izzy cried. “Can you take me home? Please. Right now.” they exchanged glances but nodded and we went to Chels’ car. We drove in complete silence and soon pulled up at my house. “Did Alex do something?” Chels asked and protective edge in her voice. “Because if he did I’m going to chop him up into mini pieces and feed him to my cat.” but her tone was anything but joking. It took me 10 minutes to convince the two that Alex had been perfect tonight. Even when they let me out of the car they were still reluctant. I flicked the lights on and silently wished my mom wasn’t abroad. I could really use some company tonight, but at the same time I need time to think.

I sighed as I got ready for school. I was convinced that I was being totally paranoid last night and over reacted. Since whoever it was hasn’t texted back, I concluded that they really did have the wrong number and was too embarrassed to apologize. I smiled at my reflection until I was convinced it was genuine. I checked my phone and realised I had texts from Chelsea, Isabelle and Alex asking if I was okay. My pulse quickened at the sight of Alex’s texts asking if I was okay. Doesn’t mean anything, he’s just being polite. That annoying voice in my head scolded. I sighed and checked my reflection once more before getting into my car.

“Why didn’t you answer our texts then?” Izzy asked again. “I told you I was asleep!” I groaned. I had a feeling that they were still convinced that Alex hurt me last night at the fest. At least that’s what I assumed from the death stares they were giving him from across the cafeteria. After all those texts I expected him to at least come up and ask if I was okay but no, he just flirted with a bunch of other girls as per usual without even a single glance in my direction. No I am not jealous, I just feel disgusted because one of those girls is Mackenzie and if I look at her sickly sweet expression as she pawed over him I would puke. “I should get going.” I muttered rising from my seat. They looked at me confused. “But it’s still 5 minutes until class.” Chels pointed out confused. I plastered a fake smile over my face. “I know. I just want to uh, get the window seat at the back. Can’t get the best seat if you’re late.” I lied hoping my overly bright tone wasn’t a dead giveaway. Iz frowned. “Yeah but don’t you have cheer practice next?” Oh god. I laughed lightly. “Of course not, I have practice tomorrow.” still looking confused they nodded. “Um, okay. See ya after school.” I waved and hurried out.

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