Chapty 1

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A/N this will mostly be Kite's POV sooooo yea

Kite's POV
I was in the lab sine Orbital 7 had broken down again "stupid machine" I cursed under my breath when his systems were beginning to shut off. I stormed out of the room into Dr. Faker's "ah Kite. What is it do you need today" he said with his annoying grin of his "Orbital 7 has broken down. Again. His systems are shutting off" I explain "so you need another partner?" He concluded. Tch, just who does this man think he is? I can perfectly fine on my own, I stare blanky at him "I can work fine on my own" I say as he chuckles a bit "oh Kite, you see you need a partner if you're in a tough situation or if you are challenged in a double-duel" Dr. Faker explains as I grew inpatient.

I stared at Dr. Faker with a sigh "fine. But they will only get in the way" I say as I glared at him "haha perfect, now here is the address of where you will meet your new partner and their profile" Dr. Faker handed me a piece of paper with a address in there and a folder. I turn on my heel and walk out of the room, I headed into to elevator heading to the top floor "hi Hart" I greeted my young brother "hello Kite" he greeted back in his zombie like tone "Kite... Why are there so many people at that park?" He asked. I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulders and got on my knees to be his hieght "the people at the park are playing Hart" I said in a soft tone "playing?" He repeated as he stared at the park then he looked down, I as well looked down hearing a commotion going on. What's going on? I asked myself as I got up and went to the elevator as so did Hart. When we both reached the bottom we walked to where we saw the action, turns out it was a bunch of guys surrounding some girls who looked like they were in freshman year, I was about to go to the group when I heard... Shouting? "Hey! Leave them alone!" We all turned around to see a teen who looked about 16 (Kite's 18 FYI) who had (h/l) (h/c) hair that shined, (e/c) orbs that glowed, (s/c) skin, and (outfit style). She glared at the bunches of men "eh!? You messin with the wrong people little girl" one of the men said getting angrier by the second knowing that a teen girl was defying him. The (h/c) girl smirked as a man came running with a pole in hand "AHHH!" he let out a battle cry, the girl jumped into the air and as she was starting to fall back down she spins backwards and kicked the man in the face, the girls gasped at the sight "that's one down. Three more to go" the girl smirking said "we'll get you!" The i-guess-leader said as all the other men charged at the defenseless girl.

For some apparent reason she started to laugh a bit "you guys are stupid" she said, one of the men had a pocket knife and my eyes widen 'no way! Not against someone so defenseless' I thought to myself "Kite will she be alright?" Hart asked me "I'm not sure" I answer but Hart's question was soon answered when the girl grabbed the pipe from the previous guy and she used it as if it was a sword, her moves were graceful and swift. All Hart and I could do wad stare in awe as she had knocked out the last one "whew that took a lot more time then expected" she sighed as a girl from the group walked up to her "um thank you for helping us" she said as the group walked away. She turned towards our direction from probably feeling someone was looking at her "hehe hi there strangers!" She spoke in a cheerful tone "hello and what are you doing here at this moment" I asked looking at her as she picked up the knocked out guys one by one and put them against the wall making the guys that attacked her first hold his pipe "well you see I was just passing by ya know!?" She said with a wide smile.

I studied her expression for any lies but found none "what is your name?" I asked finally realizing that I've seen her before "huh? Oh I'm (name) (last name). Might I ask who you are?" She said looking at me and Hart. WAIT! I took out the folded papers that Dr. Faked had given me.

Name: (name) (last name)
Age: 16
Height: (height)
Has (h/c) hair with (e/c) eyes, (s/c) skin and (clothing style).

I looked at (name) again "Kite Tenjo. This is Hart my young brother" I introduce "Kite Tenjo? The one I have to work with?" (Name) questioned as I nod my head. Hart looked at (name) "you fight really well" he said in his zombie tone "heh thanks. I have a little brother to!" She replied with her smile "what's his name?" Hart asked as (name) shook his hand "his name is Tetsuya and he's 10 years old" she mildly explain. She tells me to meet her on Saturday at 4 to which I agreed with her on. Hart and I walk back inside Heart Tower "she's strange" Hart said "hm I guess so" I respond thinking back to the (h/c)nette "but she's interesting at the same time" I look at Hart "what do you mean?".

"She always smiles, even at the people she don't know"

Hart and I go into the elevator up to his room "I have to go" I said as Hart's statement echoed in my head. I looked around the area I was in: a park. I whistled my mysterious tune as time stops, there was someone still walking "tch so you have a number?" I asked the women who stood before me (no its not you:)) as I battled her. I gained the number easily, I snap my fingers bring back the time.

I go around part of the city until it was dusk "tch only two cards" I said to no one in particular as I walked past an orphanage hearing screams of joy and laughter "(name)-chan play with me" I heard a child's voice "no play with me" I heard another. (Name)!? I walked through the orphanage seeing the familiar (h/c) hair but also seeing she was being covered by children. Noticing my presence she looked my way "Ah! Kite help meh!! They're attacking me!!" (Name) pleaded "why should I?" I asked looking into her (e/c) orbs "because I can't breath!" She called out while the children laughed.... I sighed I guess I have to help her. It took a while but I eventually got her out, now the kids climbed on me "hey!" I shouted hearing the laughs of children and (name) "what are you laughing at!?" I glared at her "well I'm laughing you being covered by children" she said as she told the children to get off of me and to go back inside.

"How can you handle that many children?" I asked the girl that was stretching "what are you talking about? They're nice kids" she said with a smile. We go for a walk a bit talking about each others lives, soon sitting down on a bentch at the park. I stand up stretching my legs a bit as she said standing up as well "hey Kite it's getting late I think i should go home" I look at the sky. It was a red, orange, pink, color. Knowing she was right I nod my head "ok see you Saturday" I say leaving the girl at the park. Hart was right, (name) was strange yet interesting to learn about.

And..... DONE!! Ok first chapter done, it was pretty fun actually bc you got to kick some ass! Bai cya next time!! And remember: always flip tables.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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