Chapty 7

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Kite's POV

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door as I sit up and stretch "come in" I say standing up and stretching, forgetting to put on any other clothes on top of my boxers. I go to my wardrobe and open it, as the door opens the first thing I hear is "OH MY GOSH IM SORRY!" Making me turn around seeing a flash of (h/c) hair, realizing what happened a deep red hue covered my face "holy crap" I breathed out as I threw on my daily clothes and went to the bathroom to put up my hair and brush my teeth.

When I leave my room I see (name) is sitting on the floor with Hart as they were talking about random things. I smirk as an idea came to my head, Hart sees me but I put my finger over my lips to tell him to not pay attention to me. He nods and starts to talk to (name) again, I laugh in my head as I cover (name)'s eyes making her jump and squeak a bit "guess who?" I ask aloud to her "....... Kite!" She states proudly but I chuckled "nope" I said seeing how she pouted "Kite I know it's you" she says and I take my hands off her eyes and she turns around to look at me "good morning Kite" she smiles as my minds begins to fangirl again.

"Good morning (name), Hart" I say hugging Hart, I start to think a bit "do you guys want to go out to eat breakfast or do you want to stay here and we manage something?" I ask looking at (name) and Hart seeing how they were thinking a bit. After a few minutes I hear the two say simultaneously "eat out" they say and I chuckle "alright let's go" Hart grabs my hand while holding (name)'s hand as we make our way down the elevator and out the door. Not even bothering to see if Heartland or Dr. Faker needed anything. Once we make it outside we start to head to a nearby cafe so we can go back in case that they do call for us. As we make our way to the cafe, I assume (name) knew some of the people that always hanged around there because they were talking with her as if they knew her from day 1.

"Hello there (name)-chan" an elderly women greeted "hello Mrs. Tachibana" (name) greeted with a bright smile "oh your smile is still so bright. Oh?! I see you have a family of your own" the elder lady says noticing me and Hart. A deep blush comes up to (name)'s face "it's not like that at all Mrs. Tachibana!!" (Name) shouted making the elderly lady laugh "oh alright, well off you guys go" she says as we walk off again. I look at (name) then down to Hart seeing how he looked at me, "get we're here!" (Name) says getting our attention. We walk inside being meeted with people cosplayed as Vocaloid characters "I'm guessing its Vocaloid day" I mumbled as we were lead to a booth in the back, the Vocaloid Maids hand us menus as they tell us to call them we we're ready. Hart is sitting beside me while (name) is sitting across from me, Hart pulls my sleeves a bit making me look at him, I lean down as he whispered in my ear "Kite, (name) is really strong in dueling and she's also a size (bra size)" Hart says making my face flush in deep red "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" I shouted a little to loudly as the ENTIRE cafe looked our direction. A tense silence lingered in the air "VOCALOIDS WE'RE READY!!!" (Name) shouted shocking me. Was she trying to gain more attention, a Vocaloid maid went up to us and ask for our orders "I want a....... Iced coffee and caramel cake" (name) said with a wide smile. Next the maid turned to me and Hart "umm.... Well I'll have ongiris and Hart will have......." I say turning to Hart to see what he wanted "....... Strawberry cake and juice" Hart said and I saw the maid write it down. As the maid walk off I heard (name) giggling uncontrollably "what is it?" I asked as she turns my way "s-sorry but........ When you sh-shouted" she said in between giggles. A blush came to my face 'AHHH!!! OH MY GOSH WHY?!!!' I screamed in my head covering my face with my hands and breathed heavily "are you ok Kite?" (Name) asked putting a hand on my arm, my face became hotter "I-I'm fine" I said as my voice was muffled.

My face cools down and I remove my hands just in time for the Vocaloid maid to bring us our meal "I hope you enjoy" she says and walks away with a sinister smile. I shrug off the tense feeling I had and looked at (name) as she began eating her caramel cake while Hart ate his Strawberry cake and I began to eat my ongiris. The tense feeling comes back and this time, I decided to listen to it. I looked at (name) seeing how she started to drink her iced coffee "you alright Kite? You seem tense" Hart says as he continue to eat his cake "I'm alright" I say keeping my eyes on (name). After we were done eating (name) and I split the bill as we began to walk out, but as we took a few steps away from the cafe (name) collapsed to the ground coughing. I gasp as Hart and I, along with other strangers, ran to her side "(name)!! Are you alright?!" I shouted as tears struked my eyes, (name) leans her face up and I saw that she had coughed out blood "(NAME)!! YOU'LL BE OK!!! PLEASE SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!!" I shouted looking around only to see the strangers staring in shock. In anger I shouted again except louder and with a threatening voice "CALL THE AMBULANCE YOU IDIOTS!!!" And this time they listened.

It didn't take long for the ambulance to come as they laid (name)'s body on a stretcher as she panted heavily. I watch as they drive her away. Away from me. I sigh as I take Hart back to Heart Tower. Please! PLEASE BE OK (NAME)!!!!

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