Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV

"These aren't my kind of why was there one next to me on the bed?", I repeatedly thought to myself whilst in the car on the way home from school. My mum picked me up early after my little episode. She was not pleased to leave her job to come pick me up but it was her decision to give birth to me so. 

Focusing on the bow in my hands took the pressure off of my headache. Something about it just caused utter relaxation of my body. As I was twirling the fabric in my hands, something broke me out of my second trance for the day. 

"Lauren! Are you listening to me?", my mum yelled with her phone pressed to her right ear like she paused a conversation to ask me something. 

My only focus was this bow that mysteriously appeared by my side. My mum's voice sent a shock wave through my body and forced my head up to face her in a jump-like state. 

"Hmm? uh yeah I'm fine...", I say blinking profusely while turning to look out the passenger window. As every minute went by, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier. Usually an episode of mine drains a lot of my energy and I sleep for a good few hours. I fought to keep my eyes open so that it didn't upset my sleep pattern. As my eyes closed once more, something forced them open once more; my mum's voice. 

"Lauren! I'm still talking to you. What's wrong with you today?", she asked slowly closing her eyelids to focus on her target, my eyes. My body had a mind of its own and rolled my eyes and let out a loud sigh, which gave me nothing less than a slap from my mum's small but powerful hands. 

"Ow! gosh I'm sorry...", I said with slight amusement in my voice. My mum and I usually had back and forths like this and it was always a joke thing. 

I was distracted by a certain buzzing coming from in between my legs that made me jump slightly. It was my phone. 


D-Mac : "you ok lolo? I heard you had to leave early...for some reason it was worthy enough to be spread all over the school in a matter of minutes"

ManiBear : "yea I heard it too. I went looking for you but I heard you had already left school"

Ally Wally: "we're definitely coming over tonight, no excuses :) " 

Me : "yeah I don't even know what happened. Ugh if you guys must :') " 

I lied but I didn't want them to worry.

With the events of earlier today still consuming my thoughts, I became fed up with my phone and tossed it on the floor of the passenger side of the car and received an odd glare from my mother. I didn't actually look at her but I knew she was looking at me and hoped she wouldn't try to spark up another conversation. I think my mum understood I didn't want to talk anymore, and returned her gaze to the road. 

Internally, I let out the most exaggerated sigh ever. 

It felt like we were never going to get home and my impatience grew exponentially by each passing second. I repeatedly tapped the heel of my left foot on the floor of the car hoping that it would pass some of the time. It wasn't exactly working so I decided to close my eyes and just try to patiently wait out the car ride. 

Finally the car came to a rather deserved halt and I couldn't be more exhausted but yet excited to be home. I basically jumped out of the car and ran into the house and up the stairs, tripping over at least four of them and running to my room. 

I did a dive into my bed and flipping over onto my back and stared intently at the ceiling like there was a concentrated part of the ceiling with very tiny writing and I was trying to figure out what it said. I sat up and look at my alarm clock on the side of my bed and saw that it was only 2:12pm, so that meant I had at least 2 and a half more hours until my friends came over to check on me. I knew that when they get here, they're going to forget the reason they came over and are just going to gossip about any and everyone that comes to mind. I knew I had to become emotionally and physically prepared for their arrival, cause I knew it was going to be a long, insufferably long, night. 

As I thought about how much energy I'm going to have to exert tonight to keep up with my friends, my eyelids began to feel heavier and heavier with every passing moment. Slowly but surely, I drifted off into a restless nap. 

*15 minutes later*

A relentless tapping started to get stronger and stronger on my right thigh as I laid awake but with my eyes closed. I let out an annoyed groan and swatted my leg thinking it was a rather mutant fly and tried to get back to sleep. 

"Bitch don't swat my hand away, you know I can take you...I lift weights", I heard coming from next to me on my bed. The voice belonging to no other than miss Dinah-Jane or as we call her, D-Mac.

"The fuck?", I said opening my eyes and sitting up confused as all hell. I looked at my clock and only more confusion filled my mind. 

"School isn't even done, why are you here already Dinah?", I ask rubbing my eyes, a lame attempt at waking myself up fully. 

"Well, we", she says pointing her index finger between herself and the two girls sharing my beanbag chair in the corner of my room. "we thought that our best friend's wellbeing was way more important than fucking history class, I mean all that stuff already happened. But we're thinking about the present here". 

I couldn't help but let out a snicker at all the foolishness Dinah says. It was clear that Normani and Ally couldn't contain their amusement either by letting out a rather roudy laugh that caused a loud ringing in my ears that woke me up immediately. 

As the laughter began to die down and silencing filling the air, Normani got up from the chair and walked towards the bed with a concerned look on her face. 

"How are you though Lo? You had us so fucking scared and we weren't even there", she said sitting beside me and rubbing my back in little circles. The sudden contact between her hand and my back sent a shockwave through my body. I liked Normani, but never voiced it so I just kept it quiet and tried to push that to the back of my mind; her vanilla scent making it very difficult to forget my ever-growing feelings for her. 

"y-yeah I'm good", I stutter giving a toothless smile, and looking into her insanely dark, insatiable eyes. I wasn't sure what I was going to do next so I had to force my body up and got off the bed to get my bag and began to rummage through it with no intent whatsoever; my back to the girls. 

"okay well great, now we can get down to the gossip", Dinah said with an attempt at an evil laugh following and I couldn't help but smile at her goofiness. 

They began to chat about people from school. By that time I was zoned out and staring flustered at the material in my hands. This bow, I repeated constantly in my head. It opened up so many questions but I wasn't in the mood to play detective. 

After a few hours of pointless talking about this person's new boyfriend and the next person's daddy issues, my friends decided to call it a night and head to their respective homes. I was utterly relieved when they left. I love them to death but sometimes they can be a bit too much and I just want my time alone in my bed; trying to prepare for school the next day both mentally and physically. 

I fell asleep thinking about this bow and this mystery girl... 

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