| Contest 3 |

295 12 13

The theme for this contest will be . . .


Literally any monster. Be it a dragon, the monsters inside us, demons, the krakens, go wild. 

Please make sure your poem is under 300 words. The word minimum is 30.

Remember, to enter you to simply have to send your poem to me through private message and read the rules at the beginning of this book and you're entered!

(Please do not send me the link to the poem)

Deadline: August 19th 4:00 PM

Results: August 21th 12:00 PM at the latest.


| 1st Place |

• Poem featured in this book

• The results page dedicated to you

• Shoutout on my account

• Your poem on a picture edit and posted to my tumblr with a link to your profile (if the winner would rather not have me do this just let me know)

• Book cover (if desired)

| 2nd Place |

• Poem featured in this book

• Shoutout on my account

• Book cover (if desired)

| 3rd Place |

• Poem published in this book

• Shout out on my account

Don't forget, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask through comment or private message.

Stay lovely ✨

Poetry ContestsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora