| Contest 7 |

603 47 72

This weeks theme is something a little different. . . .

Write a poem using these three words:




It doesn't matter which word you use first, last, etc. and you can use the words as many times as you want, but each word needs to be used at least once. I'm super excited to see what you lovely people come up with!

Also, there is no word limit for this contest, write your hearts out!

Thank you to blackvspurple for the suggestion!

So, to enter this poem you need to comment your poem below or send it to me through PM. People seemed to like commenting their entries so I figured I would keep it!

Please do not send me the link to the poem! I can't stress this enough!

(Votes are also appreciated but not necessary to enter)

Deadline: November 7th 4:00 PM

Results: November 11th 12:00 PM at the latest.


So again, as a prize you get your name and poem posted in this book saying you're the winner and you get to brag about it for the rest of your life:)

Don't forget, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask through comment or private message!

Stay lovely ✨

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