Quiet Hockey (Fluff)

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(Quiet Hockey is 2p! Canada X Canada. I made the ship name because I don't know the fandom one. Sorry))

Canada was sitting in a world meeting being sat on by Russia. Poor Canada couldn't even get Russia to notice him there he would try talking but he was really just to shy with "u-um Russia...y-your sitting on me...c-could you please M-move??" Of course Russia didn't hear him which did make Canada a bit but he knew he was barely noticed.

During the world meeting England and France were bickering and fight and choking one another. America was yelling about how he's a hero. Spain and Romano were talking well, more like Romano calling Spain a tomato bastardo every 10 seconds in there conversation. Italy was annoying Greece by already pleading to be left alone and waving a white flag for mercy of his soul from Prussia who was talking about how awesome he was.

While this was happening no one seemed to notice Allen F Jones, or well, 2p! America and Matthieu Williams, 2p! Canada. They were just leaning against a wall looking at everyone and glaring like they were the greatest people ever and they where the coolest thing in the world and nothing else mattered.  

Canada on the other hand had noticed and was shaking in fear of what thoses two would do. Canada then started to try and talk to Russia again "R-Russia...!" His voice was whisper. He was really trying to get the Russia who was sitting on him attention. Of could Russia didn't notice Canada still or hear him. He was sitting with a innocent smile on his face still.

2p! Canada had noticed this and had walked over to Russia to and tapped his shoulder. 2p! Canada smiled/smirked very fakely/teasingly "Your sitting on someone." He basically just grunted that at Russia. Russia was smiled "innocently" and looked "Oh! I am!" Russia stood up and Canada quickly got up and looked at 2p! Canada and mumbled a bit "t-thank you" 

Russia sat back down as 2p! Canada walked over to the wall again but this time with a friend, Canada. Because he had told Canada to follow him, and Canada knowing better then to not listen and risk his life obliged. 2p! Canada looked at Canada and pointed to his bear that Canada was hugging who would say "Who are you?" And Canada would reply "I'm Canada. Your owner". 2p! Canada looked at the bear before looking at Canada "Is this Kuma?"

Canada nodded "y-yes this is Kuma...he's my pet..." 2p! Canada made a grunting noise to reply. Canada then asked quickly "D-Do you have a Kuma...?" 2p! Canada nodded "yeah. But he's not friendly to anyone. Besides me." Canada nodded understanding that.

When the world meeting ending 2p! Canada and Canada decided to hangout and watch some hockey. When they were at Canada's house they were watching the hockey happily and 2p! Canada glanced at Canada and noticed how cute he was when he was watching hockey or how he was in general with his shyness.

2p! Canada pushed it aside but after watching 2 hockey games Canada had fallen asleep and he was leaning on 2p! Canada and with that he blushes lightly and he didn't want to wake up Canada so he watched a 3rd and final game of hockey and fell asleep with Canada sleeping on him.

When Canada woke up he was blushing and felt bad so he when and made some pancakes for the two of them to enjoy with some maple syrup. Canada had just finished making the table when 2p! Canada had woken up and when to the kitchen to see the breakfast that Canada made "I-I'm sorry I fell asleep on y-you..." 2p! Canada smiled very slightly and shrugged "it's fine."

--- Time Skip to a few months from now---

2p! Canada hugged his shy boyfriend on the couch while they were watching some hockey and smiled remembering this is how they started to fall for one another was on the couch watching hockey then Canada falling asleep. 2p! Canada kissed the top of his boyfriend's head and smirked when his boyfriend became flustered.

Canada was blushing and flustered now "...!" Canada snuggled into his boyfriend and mumbled "I-I love y-you...Matt" 2p! Canada smirked and smiled "I love you too, Mattie" Canada then leaned  into his boyfriend and fell asleep, while 2p! Canada stayed awake and watched one more game of hockey and smiled "...this is how we realized we loved one another...Sleep well Mattie~" and with that 2p! Canada kissed the top of Canada's head and fell asleep.

Hetalia One-Shots!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ