UsUk (Fluff)

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America or, known as Alfred F. Jones was sitting in the world meeting room yelling about how they needed to do work on god knows what. While this was happening. Everything that usually happens for example, England and France bickering, Russia sitting on Canada, Italy waving a white flag, and Germany face palming at what Italy is doing.

The world meeting was cut short because once everyone did get the point they wanted to get across and they found out what they were going to do, they realized they were ahead by 30 minutes so they decided they could leave early for this once. No one seemed to disagree so they left early.

England or, known as Arthur Kirkland was a bit angry from bickering with France. So, when he had gotten to America's house he went and made some tea. The reason why England when to America's is because, while making some scones he thought magic would be a good way, to make things go smoother and easier. But he ended up burning his house, so while it's getting repaired, he's staying with the obnoxious American, Alfred.

Arthur was enjoying his tea in the spare Office/Bedroom Alfred had. While drinking his tea he didn't notice the American who was quickly sneaking up behind him. While putting his tea down, the American yelled, and hugged Arthur from behind "HEY DUDE!!!"

This has caused Arthur to spill his tea on his pants, and the desk he was currently using for his stay. "YOU BLOODY WANKER! LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" Arthur basically spat/growled this at, Alfred who was laughing obnoxiously. Arthur just growled at Alfred then started to move around "Alfred! Let go of me!" Alfred just smirked at that and spoke a bit seductively in Arthur's ear "Why should I?~"

Arthur started to blush, he was blushing darkly, he then stopped from trying to get away from Alfred. Arthur mumbled a bit "why are you d-doing this...?? You bloody wanker..." Alfred just smirked and kisses Arthur's cheek. "Because I love you!~ that's why!" Arthur mumbled "I love you too Alfred..."

After Alfred heard that he smirked and then say in Arthur's lap and nuzzles into him and into his neck. Arthur blushed then hugged Alfred and smiled a bit.

Alfred then got a idea, and moved his head so he could look at Arthur and kiss him. Arthur who was shocked from that and kissed back and smiled a bit in kiss. Alfred smiled and pulled away from the blushing Brit. Arthur looked at Alfred and nuzzles him then kissed his cheek. "Hey Alfred you know I have to go change...right?" Alfred frowned a bit and nodded.

Alfred got out of the room so England could change his pants and call Alfred back in. And once he changed his pants he called Alfred back in the room and he started to work but, he couldn't work from his boyfriend distracting him from doing his work. They ended up doing some "other work" for that night. Which neither of them complained about doing, for the rest of the night.

((It's a bit short I apologize next chapter will be ???? X Country!Reader))

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