Mom's Getaway

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"I haven't done anything like this in so long."  I lay on the beach between Courteney and Lisa relaxing. "This is awesome."

"I know," Lisa adds "We all needed this so bad."

"It's so nice to just relax."  Courteney sits up looking around "Hey, is this the beach you and Justin met at after everything happened?"

"Yeah." I answer her smiling "Right over there.  I was sitting watching the water and he found me."

Lisa gets up and walks over to our cooler, bringing back drinks for each of us.

"What do you think would have happened if you didn't see him?  Do you think you would've gotten back together with Brad?"

I take a few seconds to clear my mind.  I've always wondered this answer myself, but never really gave a full answer.  It was always what I thought the person, or myself, wanted to hear.

"I think so."  I finally blurt out, surprising myself "I loved him so much.  I would've given in and gotten back together with him.  I don't think it would have lasted though.  Clearly, he's not who I was supposed to be with, and something would have happened.  We either wouldn't have been happy or he would've gone back with Angie.  Justin really saved me.  Without him I would've been lost."

"How did he know where to find you?"  Court asks curiously "Do you think someone told him?"

"I think he just knew."  I look out at the ocean the same way I did that day years ago "It sounds crazy, but he just knew so much about me.  When we were younger and dating we told each other everything.  It didn't matter if it was our biggest secret, and he still knows me better than anyone else.  I think he knew I needed help, and remembered how I use the beach as a fixture for so much."

They make comments about everything while I sit there silent.  I think about all that they have helped me with throughout the years we've known each other.  They're the only two people who knew how close Justin and I were before, and Lisa even tried getting us back together a year before I met Brad, but it didn't work.  We wouldn't have what we have today if we would have tried.  We needed a break.

"So what should we do today?"  I ask trying to change the mood.  We're here for a vacation, not to talk about our love lives.

"I'm having fun laying here." Courteney says "It's relaxing and nice."

"It reminds me of our mini vacations while filming Friends."  Lisa reminds Courteney and I of them as well "When we would sneak out in the middle of the day and come here for an hour.  They probably went crazy looking for us."

"Matt used to get so jealous." I add laughing "He used to beg me to tell him when we were coming so he could come with.  Remember the time they found us?"

"When they dumped the bucket of cold ass water on us?"  Lisa asks "Yeah.  I remember that pretty well.  My favorite was when we got here and they beat us somehow."

"That was a fun party." Courteney laughs "I bet the writers and directors were pissed at us for never going back.  It was worth it though."

"At least we didn't go back drunk.  That would've been worse."

"Yeah, but half hungover the next morning probably wasn't much better." I think back to the next day.  We all had headaches and had to be ready for the live filming a few hours later "They were pretty awesome though.  They put up with so much from all of us."

"They were awesome for that." Courteney stares around blankly "You don't find them that lenient and nice anymore.  We had so many amazing times on that set.  I miss it so much some days."

"I do too."  Lisa admits "I owe my career to them.  The best part was our friendship though.  I love the relationship we have."

"Hey, that boat thing we signed up for starts in 20 minutes."  Courteney quickly gets up "We should probably go."

We pack up our things and walk down the ramp.  A nice couple greets us and helps us onto the boat.  They give us a few options of different activities we can pick from.

"We should all try surfing." I suggest.  They agree, so the boat stops at a good spot and we get off.  They quickly tell us what to do, and then we're on our own.

Courteney is the first to try, and completely fails getting on the surfboard.  She gets on it, but somehow ends up flipping backwards into the water.

"If I fall on my ass again it's all your fault."  Court tells me as she tries to stand on the board her second time.  She, of course, ends up falling underwater and flipping the board over in the process again.

"Well that was dumb." Lisa comments after standing up perfectly "You try."

I put the board in front of me and lift myself up.  Balancing my feet on it I stand up slowly and it starts to wobble a lot.

"See, you can't do it either!" Courteney yells from where she is sitting on hers.  She finally gave up.

"Shit." I mumble as I try to get it to stop.  It finally balances itself just in time for Courteney to swim over and push me.  She does the same to Lisa a few seconds later.

"You bitch!" I complain laughing. 

"If I can't do it then none of us can." She says.  Lisa and I decide to get her back by splashing her.  She puts the board in front of her eventually and we decide to get back on the boat.

"I had a lot more fun on this vacation than I expected." I admit while we watch the sunset "Not that you guys are boring or anything, I just didn't think it would be this much fun."

"We should do it more often." Lisa says.  We all agree with her.

Lasting Love Part 2Where stories live. Discover now