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SunHee's Pov:

I woke up the next morning, my alarm clock was playing Vixx's song 'Voodoo Doll' loudly. The sun was shining through the the curtains. I rolled over to the side and turned off the music, my twin wasn't in her bed and that's weird. It's usually ViviLi or me that wakes up first. I got up and walked out of the room.

I walked into the kitchen and found EunKyung and ViviLi cooking breakfast and KyoRi fixing the table for us.
"It smells delicious!" I said and smelled the air like a dog.
"Your so silly." EunKyung laughed.
"Good morning Unnie." KyoRi said in English. "Good morning!" ViviLi said after.
"Good Morning on you too." I said with a big smile. "Here let me help you Kyo." I took some plates and started fixing the table with her.
"Did you sleep well?" KyoRi asked.
"Yeah... Like a baby.." I lie and avoid her eyes. I didn't sleep well at all. As soon as I closed my eyes I saw that guy that tried to rape me, I was scared, I remember what he did. My mind was on it like crazy, I couldn't stop thinking about it. But I didn't want the others to know so I tried to lie.
When KyoRi and I was done with the table we woke up the rest. I walked into JaeHee's and RimMi's room while KyoRi walked into Bora's and hers room to wake up Bora.

I tipped toed into the room and just looked at them. They looked so cute and peaceful.
I walked over to RimMi.
"Wake up RimMi! Wake the fuck up, or I will eat your food." I lightly hit her forehead and with that she opened up her eyes and gave me a death glare. "Good your awake." I said and smiled. I walked to JaeHee. "Wake up like fucking now! Or you won't get food." I hit her and she woke up.
"Yah unnie! Why did you hit me?" She yelled.
"Because I felt like it. Breakfast is ready." I answered and walked to the door.
They both ran after me and we sat down at the table. KyoRi and Bora came out of their room and sat down.
ViviLi and EunKyung was done with the food and gave us it and sat down.

"So what are you going to do today unnie? For show me the money." Bora asked.
"I think it's 1 vs 1 today." EunKyung said.
"What dose that mean?" ViviLi asked.
"You will get picked or you get the chance to pick some one to rap against and only one will pass." EunKyung said.
We ate the food and when we were done Bora and JaeHee cleaned up after us.
I walked into the bathroom and undressed myself. I looked at my naked body through the mirror, there was cuts and bruises over my body, I started to cry again. I tried to stop, i tried to calm down, I tried to keep everything inside. My knees were week and I fell down to the floor. I didn't what the girls to hear me. But then I heard someone knock on the door.
I held my breath.
"Unnie?" I heard JaeHee's voice through the door. "Are you crying?"
"N-No." I said with a shaky voice.
"Open the door." She commanded. I didn't answer her, I wanted her to go away. "SunHee!" JaeHee said loud. I slowly got up and opened the door, JaeHee looked worried when she saw my face, my eyes were red and puffy and it was wet from my tears.

She made me open the door so she could walk inside. I closed the door behind her , not looking at her. JaeHee notices that I was naked and she saw all the cuts and bruises.
"SunHee..." She turned around and hugged me, not caring that I was naked. We have all seen each other naked before and we didn't care, we saw each other's as sisters.
I cried on her shoulder as I hugged her tightly. JaeHee stroked my hair and tried to calm me down. And it actually helped. I pulled away after a while.
"Talk to me."
"No.. I don't want to talk." I said and wiped my tears. JaeHee simply smiled and walked out.

I took a quick shower and did everything you do in the bathroom and I got dressed.
I took a pair of white jeans, a black tank top were it stood 'Swag' on it because I have Swag. I did my makeup and took some blue eyes contacts. I let my hair down and wore a black snapback on.

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