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SunHee's Pov:

"What happened back there?" Jay asked.
"Oh they took my phone that's all." I answered with a smile.
"Hah they looked quite shocked when I came, why tho?"
"Because your Jay Park. That was my reaction when I saw you the first time."
"Oh really..." he stopped the car and turned it off. I looked through the window and noticed that we were already here. I looked back at Jay and we made eye contact. His face was serious.
"Why did you have that reaction?" He asked.
"Um because 1. Your a celebrity, 2. Your hot as fuck and 3. You can look really scary sometimes. You look like a gangster because of your tattoos and I think people can get scared of that, they judge you before they get to know you." I answered him and gave him a smile.
"You know I can be quite childish sometimes." His eyes was filled with playfulness now. He had a smirk on is face.
'What is he up too?'

Suddenly Jay leans forward to me and attacks me. His hands were on the sides of my stomach and his fingers worked fast.
"Ahhh Jay s-stop it!" I yelled but he continued to tickle me. "Hahahah Jay!"
"Huh? What's that? Only Jay? Only Jay!"
"Hahah s-sorry. Ahh please stop Jay oppa!"
"Yeah that's better." Jay stopped and leaned back a bit from me, he was still close. I breathed heavily but when I realized how close his lips were to my own I think I stopped breathing. We stared into each other's eyes in completely silent, until Jay broke it.

"You have really pretty eyes SunHee." I blushed slightly of his words, I bit my bottom lip and looked down in my lap. "Hey look at me." He said, he placed his right hand gently under my cheek and pulled my head up and made me look at him. "Your beautiful SunHee, always remember that." He leaned forward to me, our lips were almost touching. I licked my suddenly dry lips. Jay noticed it, he closed his eyes and leaned down. His lips where on mine. I closed my eyes and responded the kiss. Our lips danced together with passion. Jay's tongue slipped into my mouth and it moved around, it explored every inch in my mouth. It was getting hotter and I just had to breath, Jay noticed it and pulled away slowly. His face was still close to mine, we both breathed heavily and all I did was stare into his brown eyes and they back to mine.

"Wow.. that was ... incredible." Jay smiled his cute but sexy smile and I couldn't help but to laugh. Why so cute?!
"Hah yeah it was." I said and bit my lip. He grabbed my chin again.
"Don't bite your lips in front of me."
"W-why not?" He smirked and leaned closer to me.
"Because that makes me want to bite them too."  He said it in a husky voice that I thought was really sexy. I stopped biting my lip and couldn't stop the growing smile on my lips.
"Oh is that so... maybe I should bite them more then." I bit my lip on purpose just to see what he would do. Jay's lips were on mine the next second. The kiss wasn't gently, this was a bit rougher. Jay bit my bottom lip and a moan left my lips, I couldn't help it. I felt Jay smirking against my lips. He kissed and sucked on my lips and of course I responded.

Out of nowhere someone knocked on the window, making us stop. Jay pulled away from me so I could see who it was. It was Loco. He smiled his cute smile and I saw someone behind him it was Zico and he was laughing.
I felt how red my face was getting, I quickly covered it with my hands.
"Who is it?" Jay asked.
"Loco and Zico." I answered him. "We should maybe go out, they are waiting."
"They can wait. I have something important to say."
"What is it?" I asked curious.
"Do you what to be my girlfriend?"
"Hah yes." He gave me another kiss before We got out of the car and was greeted by two childish boys.

"Ohhh look at the new couple!" Zico teased.
"You two are So cute! I knew you would be a couple." Loco said happily. My face was still red and hot.
"You look like a tomato SunHee." Zico said.
"Yah stop it." I said in frustration.
"Did you just say Yah?" My eyes were big now when I realized what I did.
"Oh god I'm sorry Zico!" I apologized.
"It's okey, just don't do it again." He laughed and patted my back.
"Are you treating my girlfriend?!" Jay said angry and protective."
"Chill bro I'm kidding." Zico said
"You better."

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