Saying Goodbye and Hello (part 1)

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Lucy p.o.v

The sun began to shine on my face as I stretched. Opening one eye I could see someone's face in front of mine. I jumped up knocking off whoever was on top of me. All I could here was laughter as brown hair appeared on the side of my bed. Furrowing my eyebrows together I began to count to calm me down.

"Wow Lucy did I scare you?" the girl asked. Leaning over I looked down to where the girl laid sprawled out. She rested on her elbows and gave me a look of amusement. "Keara do you want to fly" I asked through gritted teeth. "No last time we attempted to fly I got sick" she said rubbing her stomach. "Then leave me alone" I said. Picking myself up I swung my legs over ready to get up. "Elenora says it time for you to return to the humans" she said in a sad tone.

During my time here I've grown close to the people here. Keara was a outcast when I met her. She had a uncontrollable power they feared. I became her friend and manage to convince the people here she was good. They took her in once she saved the lord's son.

"Did you forget your coming with me" I said. Her face light up as she slapped her forehead. "I did" she muttered. The only way Elenora would let me leave here is if I took someone back. I chose to take Keara with me. Where her lack of social skills her fighting made up. I too have become stronger. I learned a new magic skill called Guardian S. It's a bit weird, but extremely powerful.

It has been threes years since I last saw them. I sent Master a letter a few weeks ago to let him know I was coming home. Keara pushed herself up and smirked. "Let's go! I want to see this Natsu guy you talk about in your sleep" she said. My face lit up as I playfully pushed her away. "Go pack up" I said. She ran out like a hyper child.

I packed my stuff up quickly and walked downstairs. I could see Elenora sitting at the table writing something. Elenora was my teacher/den mother. She was the one to agree to let Keara back in the village. Her head became stiff as she turn towards me. I could feel her emotions  radiating off her. She didn't want to see us go. She was like our mother in a way.

A little cat like creature jumped up on the table. Her twin tails swished with the wind. She mewled and walked over to Elenora. "Hiya Monra" I said to her walking over. She rubbed against my hand as I petted her. Keara loud feet could be heard as she skipped to steps at a time. Once Monra saw her she jumped off runnign at her. She lept up on her shoulder and began to purr all over her. "I don't think Monra staying with me is she" Elenora asked. 

"I don't think she would stay if I made her" Keara said. "You to girls ready" she asked. "Yes" we replied. "Gather your things and meet outside. The village wants to make your leave memorable" she said. We raced upstairs grabbing our stuff. I pulled at my skirt as I made my way down. Keara long skirt, which has a split all the way up to her thigh and her shorts underneath could be seen, fluttered as she passed me up. 

We made it outside to see the whole village there to see us off. People cheered and threw magic everywhere. "Wow" I said. elenora stepped up on a hill making everyone silent. "Before we see these two off I want to do a spell on them. The spell will allow Lucy to call on Keara if she is not there" she said. She turned towards us. "Okay ready girls" she said. We nodded and turn to face each other. Placing are right hands in each other we closed our eyes. 

Elenra clasp her hands on both of ours. "les étoiles et le feu, se combinent en un seul, sa lumière céleste convoque pour la protection de son cœur ardent doit la protéger. jamais lâcher l'espoir que maintenant vous êtes un"    she spoke. As she did a light surrounded us. The only thing I felt was a string being attach to something. Keara hissed and tighten her grip. "You are connected" Elenora said. I open my eyes to see Keara examined her arm. A weird marking ran up from her elbow to her collar bone. "Let's say goodbye" Elenora shouted.

 The whole village went into a frenzy as she open a portal. I grabbed my suitcase and looked over to Keara. her bag was strapped to her back and In her arms laid Monra. We stepped through the portal and left the sky guardians.


 I landed hard on my butt once the portal closed. I looked around to see we were in a forest close by the guild. Keara gasped at the land. When she tried to stand she fell. "Keara" I asked worried. She raised up her hand to silence me. Digging in her bag she grabbed six golden bracelets sliding them on. She tried to stand again and stayed up. 

"You have to use limiters?" I asked. "Yeah her my power is double so I can't move freely with out feeling the madness" she said. I nodded and stood up. "Come on" I said.

At the guild...........................................................................................................................

Levy p.o.v

Master received a letter five days ago telling us about Lucy arrival. I sat by the bar and watch the door as if she could step through any minute. I wonder how much she change? Gajeel sat next to me and as eating iron. he worried for my health, but I waved him off. I looked around to see Ezra, Gray, Natsu, and Lisanna sitting in the corner. They haven't paid a single attention to the letter. Mira had yelled at erza and Erza waved her off. She didn't even ask for cake anymore. 

I knew Lisanna had a spell over them and no matter how many books I read through I cant seem to put a finger on which one tho. I informed Master already and he asked if Gajeel and me would investigate. He to did not trust Lisanna for some reason. 

Breaking my thoughts was the guild doors opening. In the door stood a familiar blonde and a brunette chick. Tears sprung fourth as I ran to Lucy. "LU-CHAN" I yelled. She open her arms which I ran into without second thought. "I missed you Levy" she said. Stepping back I whipped at my tears. I gave her a good look over. 

Her usually shoulder length hair was now mid-waist. She seemed to grown bigger in areas, but she still had that smile from three years ago. I looked over to her friend who stared at everything. "Levy is the Master in his office" she asked. I nodded and she stepped by. "Let me speak to him and I'll explain her" she said pointing at the other chick. They left up the stairs as I made my way over to the bar. Mira smiled at me as she made her way over. "So Lucy is back?" she asked. "Yes and I'm glad" I answered her. I couldn't help but glare at the group who didn't notice. 


I'll try to have part 2 up soon

and thanks for the comments.

untill part 2 I'll see ya later!!!!!

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