Where's Lucy?; The Fire Petals Will Dance

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Lucy p.o.v

My body floated in a liquid substance  I could breath but not move. 'Where am I?' I questioned out loud.

'You are in between time and space. You Lucy Heartfilia have invaded your death and the goddess of faith isn't too happy' A voice said. I shifted my head to see a young girl about Wendy age. She had Raven black hair and purple streaks.

Her eyes were a blue color mixed with a lavender. 'My name is Gretchen. I am your guardian angle' she said.

' I want to go back to my home' I said. 'No Lucy you can't. Faith is looking for you. She wants you life to be gone' she said looking at me.

'Natsu' I whispered.

Natsu p.o.v

To say I was furious was an understatement. Right when I got Lucy back she was gone. Poof. Vanished.

At first I was in shock but then my mind went into overdrive. Lucy scent was gone leaving no trail.

"LUCY" I yelled out loud. "Damn it. That stupid angel got her" Keara muttered barley standing. If the girl wasn't already in a bad state I would have hurled her against a wall demanding answers.

Her eyes pierced mine telling me to back off from her. "Natsu" Erza voice broke my train of thought. I looked at her with a glare. "What" I snapped.

"I understand your upset but calm down" she spoke. "Calm down? REALLY ERZA YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN WHEN THE GIRL I LOVE IS GONE" I yelled.

Keara moved in front of me and slapped me hard. I raised my fist to hit back but stop seeing the tears forming at her eyes. "Your not the only one who misses her. Lucy is like my sister. I was there for her when you weren't. If you want to see her again I advise you to shut up and listen" she said.

I was shocked and didn't say anything as the girl took a step back. Anger was all ver her face as she held a deadly intense air around her. 

Keara P.o.v

"Listen everyone. A month ago Lucy and Mine teacher, Elenora, had a dream vision. Lucy was to die today from a stray attack in my battle. I change the course somehow by beating Frost. I was suppose to lose in that vision. Due to this, Faith has gotten made. No one has ever escape her deaths. Lucy's guardian angel took the liberty of trying to help Lucy, but she has put her into more trouble" I said.

"Faith is just a myth" Levy said. "No she isn't. She is the goddess of all life" I said. "I can find Lucy, but bringing her back may be a problem" I said. "What do you mean?" Levy asked. "Depending on how her angel acts I might be able to slip into a different dimension without her noticing, but if she does she can kick me out and close that portal" I said answering her. 

I sat criss crossed my wounds acking. They were slowly healing their selves back to normal. I have to very careful and pick around the angel vision. "Do it" the Master said. I nodded and closed my eyes. I focused on Lucy power. It was faint but I could still sense it. The angel really has a lot of holes in her system. Hold on Lucy!! I'm coming for ya.

Lucy p.o.v

The angel played around as I sat mid-air with my knees to my chest. Apparently in this dimension the laws of gravity don't apply. I felt a wave of heat and turn towards the area. The angel hasn't notice it and I was thankful for it. 

I turn to see a petal floating towards me. I reached out to grab it and it vanished. The angel stood beside me with a frown. "Your friend is amazing at barrier weaknesses" she said.m "My true guardian wants me home" I said. "You mean that half demon. Faith will kill her soon anyways"  the angel said. 

"What do you mean" I asked. "That girl was to die as well. Her wounds weren't suppost to heal but they are" she said. "Save her then" I snapped. "Sorry Lucy I can only save you" she said. More petals filled the area. They swarmed together making a body. Keara long brown hair popped out as the rest of her body. 

"Keara" I yelled in an excited voice. "You aren't aloud in here" the angel said. She tossed a light ball and it knocked Keara away with petals exploding. "STOP IT" I yelled at her. The angel turn towards me with a grin. "Sorry Lucy, but I think I played long enough" she said.

Her body turn to a gold color and she got older. Her hair turned gold and was in a bun. She had on a buisness suit and held a book in her arms. "Hello Lucy. My name is Faith and its time you met you own" she said laughing.

Keara p.o.v

"SHIT" I yelled falling backwards. Troy and Natsu ran over helping me up. "What's wrong" they asked. "Faith is in their with Lucy. She pushed me out" I said sitting up. Troy sat across from me causing me to raise my eyebrows. "Natsu sit next to me" he said. Natsu did and looked at us. "Open the portal again. She can't hit three targets at once" he said. 

I nodded understanding what he wanted to do. I closed my eyes sending my petals to the portal again. They  pushed through again without any trouble. I saw Lucy being held up by her throat by a shadow wolf. Enraged I sent my petals as they formed are bodies. 

"LUCY" Natsu yelled. Lucy turn her head gasping for air with tears streaming down her face. She mouthed the words that froze everyone. 'I'm sorry'  

With that her eyes closed and the wolf smirked dropping her. Her body floated in the air, but Lucy didn't move. 

"Fire Petals Dance" I said walking to Lucy limp lifeless body. I wasn't going to let her die like this!


Hope ya'll enjoy this chapter!!!

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