Chapter 1 Naruto

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Sarutobi: years have passed since the 4th hokage minato sealed the nine tails inside the his own child.

Sarutobi: the boy is now 13 of age and has become nothing but trouble ...speaking of trouble

Leaf ninja:lord hokage!!!

Sarutobi: yes what did he do this time

Leaf ninja: he killed someone

Sarutobi: hmmm

(Runs out office to address the situation)

Sarutobi: was it the demon fox

Leaf ninja: we don't know we chased him into an alley and found him covered in blood and the body right next to him.

Appears at the seen with a crowd of angry villagers surrounding naruto throwing objects at him trash and stones.

Viliger 1: get out of our village you monster!!!

Villiger 2: haven't you caused us enough pain!!!

Villiger 3: murderer!!!

Sarutobi: stand back everyone!

(Walks through the crowd of villagers towards naruto who is damage and bleeding pretty bad from the attack of the villagers)

Sarutobi: what have you done naruto?

Naruto: I didn't... I didn't

Sarutobi: murder is a serious case and therefore you shall get trialed as an adult... Anbu secure him.

(Grabs naruto and puts him in back of a prison carrier with bars)

Naruto: but I'm innocent

(He says to himself while looking out and grabbing the bars of the moving cart)

Meanwhile at lab

A team of medical ninja examine the body

Sarutobi: so what did you find

Medical ninja 1: it seems like he was stab in the back nothing major

Medical ninja 2: but still do you think a child can do something like this

Sarutobi: of course not naruto is an innocent....nnnnnn uuuug

(Speech is interrupted by grunts it seems sarutobi is in pain

Medical ninja 3: Lord hokage are you ok?!!

Sarutobi: yes I'm fine

(Snaps back into a dull personality)

Sarutobi: you were asking if a child can do something as in commit murder

Wake up we live in the ninja world, children grow up and are raised to become spies and trained to become killers so my answer is yes, so if you are done examining the body please be on your way.

Medical ninja 1: yes lord third

( hesitates and bows his head)

Sarutobi: now if you excuse me I have important matters to attend to

Medical team: yes sir!!!

Medical ninja 2: did the hokage seem different to you

Medical ninja 1: yeah but let's just finish this job he seems pretty pissed about something.

(Interrogation center)

Ibiki: why did you kill him are you a spy or is it that demon fox inside you that influence you to do so

Naruto: I didn't kill anyone

ibiki: if you won't talk ill have no choice but to use my own interrogation methods and i don't think a childs body can handle such, so last warning tell me the truth or hurt

naruto: but i didnt...(interrupted by ibiki)

ibiki: close the curtains

(leaf jonin closes curtains )

ibiki: no one should see what your about to go through,its ok you can handle after all you are the demon child.

Naruto:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!(screams heard from outside the building)

(20min after)

ibiki: still won't talk fine, ill be back tomorrow this time i won't be gentle (wiping the blood off his hands.

(Medical ninja comes in to heal naruto)

Medical ninja 1: poor child

Medical ninja 2: this child is the demon fox that's responsible for both our parents death, his life is not even worth saving

Medical ninja 1: there all done

leaf jonin ninja: alright throw him in the cell, we'll continue tomorrow

(turns lights off and close doors)

(Naruto lies in his cell afraid,alone and petrified when a figure appears over him with an orange face mask)

Figure: do you want to be free, free of your pain of this village

Naruto: looks up face still bruised and cries

Figure: That's a yes to me then

(he teleport's naruto out of the building)

Figure: now your first test begins prove your worth saving and run leave the village, if you get caught you die and if you are cornered don't hesitate to kill

(disappears into the air )

(Naruto creeps his way out of the village until he is confronted by a team of anbu patrolling the gate )

Naruto is surrounded and uprehended, he then rembers what the figure said kill if cornered so he gets snags a kunia out of the anbus pocket stabbing him in the neck

Anbu 1: uuuughhhh(falls down)

Anbu 2: why you!!!

(before he could exact his vengeance apon naruto the figure appears )

Figure: ohh don't go spoiling my fruit

(Anbu jumps back and signals for reinforcements)

Figure: i took care of them no help for you sorry

(figure apears behind the anbu)

Figure: what now?

Anbu: starts to shake in fear

(figure walks to anbu with kunai preparing to kill him )

Lighting Blade!!!!!

(Kakashi appears jabbing the figure through the chest)

Figure: hmmm kakashi

kakashi: you know my name who are you?

Figure: Thats not important you should be focused on the disadvantage position your in right now.

(kakashi looks down surprised)

kakashi: it slipped.....

Figure: yep right through

(kakashi retreats)

Figure: be seeing you kakashi

(figure eye glimmered a dark red before grabbing naruto and completely disappearing into thin air )

End chapter 1

Naruto Distorted bondsWhere stories live. Discover now