Chapter 2 sasuke

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sasuke: i have to get stronger... that night

(flash black)Night of the uchiha slaughter

(screams and the scent of blood engulf the air, the one responsible the hidden villages very own weasel itatchi uchiha)

sasuke: brother...why

(sasuke says mind and spirit shattered )

itatchi: becuase they were weak they lacked in hatred

sasuke:brother what are you saying!!!

itatchi:hatred makes you stronger one day you'll understand this once you do find me and kill me

(grabs sasuke and looks him into the eyes)

itachi: you will relive this night for 72 hours tsukuyomi!!!

(sasuke screams after itatchi drops him to the ground then a faint few words fall from his lips)

itatchi: see you sasuke

iruka sensei: sasuke...sasuke....sasuke!!!!!!!

sasuke: umm?

iruka sensei : sasuke you didn't hear me answer the question, what is the counter chakra based element to lighting?

sasuke: sorry the awnser is wind

class:ohhhhhhhh!!! sasuke said sorry?

Class mate 1: he never apologizes

iruka sensei: sauske are you feeling ok?

sasuke:yes im fine

iruka sensei: maybe you should go home you've been spazzing out alot latley

iruka sensei: says to himself its the anniversary to that night i don't want to put to much stress on him he might end up snapping like his brother)

sasuke: fine by me

class: what?!?!

iruka sensei: settle down or ill give you all extra assignments


(sasuke leaves the school and wonder's around the village continuing to think about that night and his future ambitions )

(he is stopped on his walk overhearing the ninja talking about an incident last night.)

Ninja 1: so you've heard that someone infiltrated or village last night taking the nine tailed boy with him.

Ninja 2: ah yeah whoever it was knocked off the whole anbu surveillance team

Ninja 3: must be some powerful guy

Ninja 1: i'm just happy that demon is out of our village,why go into the trouble to take him when we don't want him anyway could've just act nicely


sasuke: hmmp

(he continues his walk)

Kiba:hey sasuke!

sasuke: hm? kiba?

kiba: hey sasuke you know it's not good skipping class

sasuke: whats it to you?

kiba: now sasuke just because your an uchiha doesn't mean you have to be an asshole!!!

sasuke:(smirks) that's exactly what it means

kiba:ahh tssk

(kiba lets out a furry of insults in the background as sasuke bumps into a mysterious person wearing a sun hat with long black hair his skin pail body dressed with a cloak the presence of his chakra sent a shock through sasukes body immediately paralyzed with fear)

Mysterious man: excuse me sasuke ill be seeing you later ill business to attend to(chuckles)

Sasuke: just who the hell is this guy!?

(sasuke manages to get a glimpse of his eyes its as if a snake just looked at my soul)

sasuke:those arent normal eyes what is he?

sasuke: i must...with a power like his i can finally get my revenge a pon my brother

(sasuke yells to the mysterious man )

sasuke: hey train me!!!

(Mysterious man stops in his tracked)

Mysterious man :as an uchiha your accepted meet me a front of the village come night fall i have business to attend to.

Sasuke: fine ill be waiting

(Nightfall hits )

(sasuke is waiting at the entrance of the gate when the mysterious man appears)

Mysterious man: alright sasuke now we have to run

sasuke: what!?

(Boom!!! an massive explosion goes off at the hokage's tower)

Sasuke: the village what?

mysterious man: run child

(they begin to run into the woods as they were being pursued thorough the woods by the leaf anbu this time lead by yamato and kakashi themselves)

kakashi: The leaf will not be a stepping stool for you terrorist to walk over and do as you please

(kakashi is fired up!!!)

Kakashi: spots the mysterious man escaping with sasuke

(whistels to signal team of the contact)

kakashi: stop right there this is as far enough you

(anbu surround him)

Yamato:is that!?(recognizes the mysterious man)

Yamato: kakashi!!

kakashi: yeah i know

Yamato: orochimaru sama!!!

Orochimaru: henhe (chuckles) its been a while tenzo , you've grown so much from the last time you were in my lab

Kakashi: everyone be on your guard this one is not something to mess with he was one of the legendary sanin the immortal orochimaru!!!

Orochimaru: my thanks for the inruductoin but it was unnecessary since ill be leaving

(orochimaru whispers in sasukes ear )

Orochimaru: well this is getting to slippery for me sasuke so ill be leaving you alone

Sasuke: what your supo......!?

(orochimaru bites him on the neck)

Orochimaru: Don't worry sasuke i won't be leaving with out giving you a gift

Sasuke: uhhggh!!!(nudges in pain)

Orochimaru: when your hate becomes strong enough come seek me for power

(sasukes falls to the ground )

Kakashi: sasuke!

kakashi: Yamato now!

yamato: aye!wood style four pillar prison jutsu!

(traps orochimaru inside wood prison)

Yamato: capture success

yamato: what!?

(orochimaru summons a giant snake to break himself out of the prison )

Orochimaru: good bye now ill leave you a friend to play with

Kakashi: dammit!

(orochimaru leaves on foot through the trees on this dark night)

Yamato: let him go we have to stop this thing

(continues to battle the giant snake)

End chapter 2

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