The Evil , The Bad , And The wicked

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(Itachti speaks within his mind watching his younger brother charge at him, tears running down sasuke's face, his face filled with hatred and pain)

Itachti: sasuke I can't forgive myself for what I did to you, I force this life upon you. I thought I was protecting you from the truth, hoping you'll ignore it and focus all your hatred towards me preventing the idea of you ever turning against the leaf.

Sasuke: (Sasuke continues to charge at itachi) aaauhhh! Itachi!

Itachti: sorry sasuke but I can't resolve with you in your current condition.

(Sasuke closes in on itachi preparing end him with a fatal strike.)

Sasuke: Die itachi!

(itachi places his finger out touching sasuke's forehead as he charged in)

Sasuke: uhh...what... what... (drops to the ground)

Kakashi: what did you do to him?

Itachti: (turns head around towards Kakashi)

Kakashi: that's...the...mangekyo sharingan!?

Itachti: leave sasuke to me give me some time to be alone with my brother

Kakashi: do as you wish just don't do anything to drastic

(Kakashi thinks to himself: still using that on a child it's a little to late for that warning.)

Itachi: I'll be taking him now

Kakashi: to where?

Itachti: .... our home in the village.

Location: orochimaru's hide out

(Orochimaru arrives at hide out)

Orochimaru: my my... what in interesting gather we have here

(Zabuza stops orochimaru and places his sword towards his chest)

Zabuza: why the hell are you late?

Orochimaru: sorry I had to care to some troublesome along the way, you should know I'm being hunted by the akatsuki

Zabuza: akatsuki, I heard rumors of them but why should I care. Sounds like your problem.

Orochimaru: well to be clear they'll kill anyone I'm associated with, including you all.

Zabuza: so, what are we your own personal security

Orochimaru: more like pawns in my game (licks his lips)

Zabuza: why you! (swings at Orochimaru)

(kimimaru dashes in and stops his sword with his bones)

Zabuza: and just who the hell are you?wait ... you're that brat from before

(Flash back)

Location: snowing forest

(young kimimaru is on mission eliminating the enemies of his clan, along the way he see's young haku with zabuzu.)

Young kimimaru: are you in enemy?

Zabuza: (zabuza looks into the boy cold dead eyes and tells that he is a serious threat. The wrong awnser my might cost him his life" sweats in fear") haku stay behind me.

(Young haku looks at the boy kimimaru's face) he has eyes just like mines.

Zabuza: No we're not your enemies

Young kimimaru: okay (continues towards the next village.

Location: orochimaru's hide out

Kimimaru: step away from lord Orochimaru

Orochimaru: well done kimimaru(grins)

Kabuto: am I missing the action, uh! Lord Orochimaru your injured!?

Kimimaru: that's why I jump to lord orochimaru's aid

(Orochimaru is bleeding out of his side)

Orochimaru: as I said the akatsuki are no push overs everyone here is a target now.

Zabuza: dammit! (lowers his sword) what have I got us into haku?

Orochimaru: (laughs) let the fun began.

Location: akatsuki hideout

Pain: so, what's the situation?

Konan: well, kisame is injured from the battle with the itachi, he's now a traitor along with Orochimaru.

Kakazu: I knew we should've trusted the leaf ninja. The snake and the weasel, I should have killed them when I had the chance.

Pain: speaking of Orochimaru, how was the situation with him.

Hidan: snakes are snakes but he got away

Kakazu: he would've been dead if you weren't playing around

Hidan: hey I at least injured him, more than I can say your ass did.

Kakazu: well I think it's time we go down another member

Hidan: Hidan licks his blade, let's see how many hearts I can take from you.

Pain: enough, right now the rest of the ninja are going for some new recruits once that's finish we'll devise a strategy on continuing our mission until then you may do as you please.

Hidan: hmp

Kakazu: very well

Location: land of snow

Sasori: these new recruits better be worth it my puppets aren't design for the now

Deidara: I hope they can appreciate my art,  Because art is an explosion!

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