The Chain of Bloodshed and Lies

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Location: Orochimaru's hide out

Haku: Lord zabuza allow me to get us out of this situation, just stand back (activates curse mark) I have enough power to take him in his current condition.

Orochimaru: you seem to understand how to use the curse mark quite well, interesting, but you're not the only one here that is capable of using it. Kimimaru!

Kimimaru: yes, lord Orochimaru, what is it that you need done?

Orochimaru: lets test haku's prowess, not a problem is it zabuza?

Zabuza: You heard the kid, I'll stand back

Orochimaru: excellent let's take this to the training room. This way please.

(group walks down hallway and runs into obito)

Obito: oh, you're back, so, how was it?

Orochimaru: you have a terrifying eye for talent they gave me trouble.

Obito: good (continues walking)

(load roar erupts from the darkness down the hall, dark vicious red blood chackra floods the halls hitting everyone with its presence)

Voice: Roarrr....!

(the group falls paralyzed with fear of the sick overwhelming blood lust chakara!

Voice: kill! Revenge! destroy!

Orochimaru: my, you really created a monster (says nervously)

Zabuza: what is that?

Demon brother: I don't think this is the right way we should be going!

Orochimaru: well then let the few of us proceed, zabuza, haku, myself and Kimimaru. The rest stay behind, kabuto I leave you in charge.

Kabuto: very well, then, come now the rest of you.

Demon brother: you think you can control us hehe (grins menacingly)

Kabuto:(grins back) try me.

Orochimaru: I'll leave you too it then (continues to walk)

Location: Hidden leaf (Abandoned Uchiha village)

(Sasuke awakes from being unconscious)

Sasuke: Where...where am I, last thing I remember...was itachi? No, it must have been a dream.

Sasuke:(gets up and starts walking) why am I in my village. did I fall asleep here again?

(walks to his old house and begins to rethink the past)

Flash back:

Sasuke: Big brother I want to be like you when I get older, then someday I'll beat you.

Itachi: Come here Sasuke.

Sasuke: (walks forward) Yeah what is it that you want

Itachi: (places his fingers on Sasuke's forehead) Maybe one-day Sasuke, but for now dinner's ready and mom doesn't like it when where late.

Mother: Sasuke, itachi!

itachi: See told you

Sasuke: Ah man, coming!

Present time:

Sasuke: (begins to cry) Why... why can't things go back to what they used to be. Why...itachi?

Itachi: You want the truth?

Sasuke: (turns around) ita..chi.?

Itachi: I'll show you the truth (activates his sharingan) let these eyes guide you to the answers you seek. Accept them let them reveal all. The darkness that's bellow our village.

Sasuke: I seeing?

Sasuke: These are lies! The hokage would never...

itachi: whether you want to believe me, or not even I cannot make up something as cruel as this.

(itachi shares his past through Sasuke's own eyes through the visual effect of the sharingan)

itachi: the shinobi world is ruled by darkness and hate. Moved only by blood spill Everything that seems the brightest has an even darker side to it, nothing is innocent. The better the peace, the more bloodshed that had to be paid to bring that peace, even now other nations and villages are doing the same. To keep the balance in society it is a common thing for ninja to slaughter their own blood, but that sacrifice brings false peace. Doesn't help anything, doesn't get rid of the hatred. It's just swept underneath the rug.

Sasuke: ahhhh! Lies!....why would they. Mom! dad! Even you itachi our own village betrayed us all for false peace. How could they....

Itachi: even so I have no regrets this is the path I chose in order to keep our village safe and protect you, two things I hold dear to me.

Sasuke: so you're saying you think this is okay!? slaughtering our clan. Killing our parents your friends

Itachi: if I had not done so, our clan will be dead with no survivors including you. The village would be weakened, other villages and ninja would notice and wouldn't hesitate to destroy it. The land of fire would be no more. Other nations would go to war for territory over this land. Millions of lives would be taken. Conflict cause even greater conflict creating a chain of misery and chaos. If I had not done what I've done the world you know now would cease to exist.

(Sasuke begins to cry and falls to his knees, itachi walks over and hugs his younger brother)

Itachi: No matter what Sasuke I'll always be here for you. I'll teach you the skills you need to survive in this world of lies. It's the least I can do as your older brother. Now Sasuke dry those tears its time.

NEXT: Haku vs Kimimaru

NEXT: Haku vs Kimimaru

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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