Chapter 7.

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I layed there for a while.

On my side; i stared at Jason's shorts on the floor. I was really going to go all the way with a boy I've just met, who was going to end my life. I bit my nails thinking about what the future lies ahead, and what the hell was Jason talking about?

My thoughts were interrupted by a small explosion shaking the floor below me. A little dust fell from the bedroom the ceiling.

'Jason?' I shouted, sitting up against the beds bars.

There was silence.


I slowly lifted my legs off to the side of the bed, letting my feet gradually touch the floorboards. i waited a couple more minutes for the silence to break, but nothing happened. i lifted myself up from the bed, still blood stained, and slowly made my way down the stairs. I stayed close to the banisters, clutching it tighter each step i reached, waiting to see Jason McCann and his chiseled jawline and mean, handsome features. All i saw was an empty house. I reached the bottom and popped my head through the kitchen doorway, i looked around.  

Why are there no doors downstairs?

Anyway, i did the same in the front room but there was no signs of McCann. i stopped in the hallway thinking where he could be. i turned around to go back upstairs when i saw a metal door on the left of the stairs. it had no little window, just a small door handle with 3 different locks above it. i started to panic a little. my hands got slightly clammy. Nothing safe is ever behind doors like that. discarding the thought, i headed towards it. i reached for the handle. it creaked as i turned it and i heard the lock come undone and the door shuddered as i pulled it towards me.

Before the door was fully open, i saw an old metal table with wires, tools, bits of plastic and metal in a cold garage. in the corner of my eye i saw big machinery piled up. I wasn't sure what they were used for though.

The door hit the wall as i screamed and flinched back as a gun was pointed to my face. at the end of it was Jason, with enraged and irritated eyes.

'Jason it's me!' I froze and prayed to God he wouldn't shoot.

'what the fuck are you doing?' he lowered the gun and chucked it to the side as he walked back into the garage, rubbing his neck. i followed him hesitantly.He was wearing baggy old jeans with a baggy old grey hoodie, both with black marks all over.

' i-i heard something, i thought you were hurt?' I looked around the room as he leaned back over the table and started fiddling with some red and blue wires.

'i'm fine. i'm just...doing some business' he wasn't making eye contact, he made me feel like i wasn't there.

'What kind... of business?' i was scared to ask because i knew exactly what it was. He's Jason McCann. the youngest, most successful bomber, next to his brother Alex.

' Business you don't want to know about.' i could hear how irritated he was in his voice.

i changed the subject so he wouldn't go off like a flame.

' When are your friends coming back? ' i walked towards him whilst saying this to feel safer. His 'friends' made me frightened to the bone. They sent a bad shiver down my spine.

'Soon probably. Why do you want to know? they're only gonna hurt you when they come back.' he walked away from me, looking through piles of junk. i flinched when something metal and heavy would hit the concrete floor.

'Jason, tell me what is going to happen? Can i trust you or not?' my words were loud and shaky as tears misted up my eyes and i hurried towards him, but keeping a safe distance in case he lashed out.

' Monica...' he stopped and looked at me. ' Don't trust anyone. One way or another you won't get out of this alive. i'm sorry but there is no way i can see you surviving. They're gonna hurt you because you know too much.'

his breathing was slightly heavy. i took a step back, my heart started to pick up a pace

'But you won't hurt me right?' Our eyes never left each others

'I can't promise anything.'

'Jason please?' my hands shook as i wiped away tears that were starting to escape.

'Monica! sop it!' he rushed towards me and held the sides of my arms ' i will do whatever to keep you alive as long as possible. But if something happens, i might have to do it myself. this is my job and i don't know how much left i can tell you! you should know enough by now.'

He was hunched a little as i was shorter than him. I grabbed the bottom of his hoodie as i looked down to cry but then i suddenly stopped and looked up at him.

' why can't i just leave right now?' my eyes were wide with surprise.

'what?' he scrunched his eyebrows and his eyes turned confused.

I freed myself from his hands and bolted for the front door. Light was beaming through its windows and i grabbed the door handle. Fuck it was locked! i pulled and pushed, furiously shaking the door knob, trying to somehow wiggle it open.

Something caught my eye as it was rushing towards me but before i could look up, something sharp slammed the back of my head and i jolted to my knees. my body fell to the floor like a rag doll, and i faded out.

everything went black...




Kidnapped Love; Jason McCann love story.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora