Chapter 29.

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I didn't know what had happened. I just remembered a sharp blow to my skin, then nothing, then a bright orange glow burn through my eyelids.

I regained some conciousness in the uncomfort of, what felt like, an old mattress. Broken springs and snapped elastic dug into my back. I felt tugging and stinging on my left arm. I felt too weak to open my eyes to react or investigate. My body was numb and I honestly didn't know if i was alive, or gone. Could this be Limbo? A coma? Or a deep dream? I stopped thinking, it was draining and i was already exhausted. I just tried to concentrate on nothing. But i could feel my body was cold and fragile, like a china doll.

I felt a sharp, tight tug around my arm again and a thousand knives shot through my body. Gasping for air, my eyelids flew open and my eyes bulged out in panic. I screamed, the air from my voice scratched the back of my throat. I could just a pulse all over the left half of my body. Each beat harming me, making my crys more painful. The rush of everything blurred my vision, all I could see was white, or fuzzy blobs, but i could see something in the corner of my eye moving. I was scared but i was able to squeeze one word out through my crys.

M:" Mom?!"

Jason's P.O.V:

My blood was boiling, sweat and blood dripped down my face. I reached the bottom of the stairs, finding myself in the basement. Dust, boxes and white sheets scattered everywhere. An old wooden table stood opposite me, gallons of petrol tanks piled up on it. Bingo. It was just what I was looking for. I was onelucky bastard sometimes. I was about to make my way to them when a box caught my attention. My eyebrow raised smuggly and I rummaged through it, successfully finding a box of matches with only a few sticks left. I chuckled lightly and shook my head. I was a criminal but God had a soft spot for me. I stuck the box in my back pocket and continued my way to the petrol tanks but my body stuttered as a gun shot shook through the ceiling, dust falling around me. 

J:" Fuck!" 

My eyes bulged out my skull when I realised what had just heard. I grabbed a tank which was heavy as shit and It slowed me down as I sprinted back up the stairs but I made my way through the back door and my heart burst through my rib cage and gave me a sick feeling in my gut. My eyes were horrified at the sight of Ralph hovering over Monica. Gun in hand and blood pooling around his feet and her body. My skin started to burn all around my skull as anger bubbled in my stomach and out through my throat.

J:" What the fuck did you do?"

Before I gave Ralph time to answer back, the adrenaline in my blood had arleady thrown my body towards him and I struck his face with the petrol tank. Just one hit knocked him out cold. And I was sure of it this time. I ripped the lid off  the tank and threw it on Ralphs chest. I made my way to the corner of the room and started to line the whole shed in petrol. I circled the whole place before draining the last few drops on Ralphs body. I through the empty tank on him and I gave him one last kick in his ribs causing his body to jolt helplessly. I was really going to kill him this time, and he was not going to come back. I stared at his helpless self, breathing heavily at the adrenaline I had.

My eyes were distracted by a line of blood starting to ooze around my feet. My head shot up to see Monica scrambled on the floor, beaten and bruised, her clothes soaked in her blood. I just wanted to scream and hold her in my arms. But I had to get out of here and burn this fucker down before Ralph woke up. I knelt down, touching Monica's legs and trying to slide my hand under her back, I lifted her up and held her close to my body, I was scared that if I made her body move anymore, her fragile bones would shatter through my hands. Her arms hung beside her, swaying lifelessly and her head nuzzled into my chest. I shifted over to the front door, scared to slip in her blood, and kicked it open and leaving a bloody print on the door. I gently placed Monica down at my feet and stepped back into the doorway. I shuffled for the match box in my back pocket and my fingers pulled it out infront of me. I slipped out a match before taking one last look at Ralph. 

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