f i v e

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e d i t e d

Ross' POV;

If there's something I've learned from all the dates I've been in, you shouldn't kiss on the first date.

It's just messed up.

You've probably heard in stories or movies about it, and I can't lie. It's weird, like I mean, you barely know the person, why kiss them already?

Usually you should kiss them on the second to third date, if the first one goes as planned. 

Kissing on the first date makes the girl think you like her and think she's your girlfriend.

As I was saying, I never kissed Laura.

But the date went so well, we're still texting each other. That's rare for me, because I usually just date the girl and never text her back..

Seems harsh, I know.

I roll my eyes at Ell trying to get my attention.

"Dude please! I need to know what happened with that Laura girl," he sat next to me and started poking my cheek uncontrollably (??)

I groaned, "She's just a girl, leave me alone!"

"Did you kiss her?!" I heard Rydel yell from the kitchen. I just noticed, why is she always in the kitchen?

"I don't kiss and tell," I said as I stood up. Rocky opened his mouth to say something, but I put my hand over his mouth and pushed his face out of the way.

I made my way upstairs and locked the door. Please, I don't need them slamming my door open while I do my business.

What kind of business?

Well that's none of your business..

I hear a phone ring from downstairs and my face flushed.

No, no, no, no, no...

I race down the stairs as fast as I could and saw Riker with a phone in his hand. I tried snatching it, but he held his hand back.

His eyes went wide as he read, "Ross, I had such a fun day yesterday. I hope we can meet up again soon. -Laura <3"

My cheeks turned crimson red as Ell and Rocky started dying of laughter. Riker eyed me, "Dude... That's low.."

I finally had the strength to take my phone from his hands.

"Why are you so mean to me?" I whine, probably sounding like a little kid right now, but I could care less.

Riker huffed, "You went on a date with her because of us.. I bet you're not even going to reply, Ross.."

The laughter coming from Rocky and Ell died down once they saw my frustrated face. "Riker, I'm not who you think I am! Yea, maybe I didn't reply to other girls, but that was because I never liked them. But Laura's different."

I stood there and waited for a minute to see if they had something to say.

Silence filled the room but I just scoffed and walked back to my room.

I locked the door and started thinking. How come I always leave my phone?!

I bit the inside of my cheek as I saw Laura's text and I suddenly found myself texting back.

To Laura:
How about I introduce you to my siblings tomorrow night? You can stay for dinner, I insist.

And found myself grinning as she replied.


Hey KitKats!

I know I updated yesterday, but eh, I was bored..

This chapter is dedicated to my friend kym_the_potato because for some odd.. odd.. odd.. reason she decided to read this XD

But haha go follow her because I've known her for what... 2.. 3? No 2.. Wait no 3 YEARS?!






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