Chapter 1

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" Hey Oona, What you doing?!" Olympia asked as she walked into the lab. Oona turned to face her friend, but she didn't speak. " Oona, you ok?" Olympia asked. She was getting kinda worried. Oona blinked twice, before she realized that Olympia was there. " Howdy do Agent!" she said with a smile, Olympia blinked a little as well. " Oona are you ok? is the stress, getting to you?" she asked kinda worried. Oona shook her head. " Na, its noting like that!! don' worry about it, im fine!!" Oona said with a smile, that was suppose to be real. But it was really fake. Olympia was worried about her friend. But, she decided to leave it be. " Olympia, have you ever been so broken. That you couldn't operate right?" the brunet asked suddenly, her eyes became serious and a frown was on her lips. Olympia wasn't sure of what to say. " Oona do you-" but before Olympia could utter another word, Octavia ran into the lab. " Oona I-I need you, this is super duper bad!!!" the girl said, in between deep breaths of air. " What's up?" Oona asked, Olympia was curious about what, Octavia needed. But, she couldn't listen anymore. " Partner, Ms. O needs us" Otis called as he appeared in the lab. Oona or Octavia didn't notice, they were both talking. Olympia nodded her head. As she followed her partner up the steps to Ms. O Office. " There you two are, something very weird has happened!" Ms. O said, her usual smirk was replaced by a frown. " What's up?" Otis asked, he nodded his head. As though telling Mrs. O to continue. He and Olympia sad down, in the two purple seats. " Something is up with Oona" Ms. O said sadly. Otis and Olympia exchanged looked, " But, Ms. O. Why is this our problem?" Olympia asked in a puzzled tone. " Because, you are her closes friend, Olympia. And if we don't figure out what's up with her. She might have to leave the squad." Ms. O said as she got out of her chair, she headed towards her fridge filled with juice. " What do you need us to do?" Otis asked, Ms. O rolled her eyes. She stayed quite for a few, seconds, as she grabbed a juice box. From the fridge, she turned on her heel. Till she faced the two agents. " I need you both to find out what's up with her," Ms. O said plainly. Otis nodded his head, as he stood up. He was about to leave when, he noticed his partner wasn't at his side. " B-But Mrs. O! Oona can't leave the squad!! she's a good scientist and she cares about us!!" Olympia  shouted, she didn't want to lose her friend. " This isn't easy for me agent, I almost fell apart when Oscar left. I don't know what will happen if Oona leaves. Hopefully you two can figure out. What's up with her" Ms. O said as she threw her Apple juice box in the trash. Olympia sadly nodded her head, as she walked towards her partner. " Im counting on you two, got it?" Ms. O asked. Both agents nodded,  as  they walked out of her office. " Olympia, have you ever been so broken. That you couldn't operate?"  those words ran through the albarn haired girl's mind. Otis noticed his partner's, sudden lack of perkiness. He put his hand on her shoulders. " Hey, we WILL make it through this! I know we will" he said with a smile, that he helped was convening. Olympia nodded her head. " Yeah, your right!!" she said, as a smile appeared on her lips. And the same twinkle returned to her eyes. Otis nodded his head in agreement. They headed towards Oona's lab. Tears made their way down the brunet's face, " I guess, I can't hide it. Anymore" Oona said as she wiped her eyes. But, it made no difference. For the tears still came. " Its time, I-I hope I won't regret this" the brunet said with a long sigh. She turned on her heel, in till she stopped. Dead in her tracts, she was about to be greeted by a person she hadn't expected to see.

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