chapter 5? or na

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Oona didn't know what to do or say, For you see Oscar would be staying at Mrs. O's odd squad for a couple of months, Leaving poor Oona to be cations about running into the blonde. It was a normal day in odd squad Oona was working on a gadget for Olympia when it happen, " Hey Oona could you, help me with something" the blonde asked, Oona took a deep breathe before answering. " S-sure um what is it?" she asked, Oscar fixed his glasses before answering, " W-Well i am um,trying to impress this girl and i need your help" he said nervously. Oona wasn't sure what to think, and even though her emotions where out of wack she felt i was only right to help her friend, so she agreed, " Um sure, what time and where" Oscar's eyes lit up "Oh its at Michi's ramen" he said before turning and leaving the room as fast as he had come in, Oona was confused but soon was was back on her project as though it had never happened. A little later Olympia came in " Oona!!" she squealed, " Yes" was the brunette's response, " Did Oscar ask you to help him out with a sorta " date" type thing?" she asked To which Oona stopped her work and nodded. The auburn haired girl began to jump from one foot the the other. " Omgosh, like omgosh!!! i cannot believe it" she said happily. Oona put her hands on Olympia's shoulders to calm her down. " What is up?" she asked, So Olympia calmed down before answering. " Well, i think Oscar wants to impress you" she mumbled causing Oona to laugh, " Why would he?" she asked, " Well you see i heard him talking to Mrs. O and he-" but she was interrupted by Mrs. O " Good your here, anyhow Oona something very odd has happen. " she said Oona blinked " um shouldn't an agent be working on it?" she asked, Mrs. O nodded " usual yes but Oscar needs you" she said before turning on her heel. Olympia giggled while skipping towards the main entrance. Oona wasn't sure what to think but she followed the two girls to find...         

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