Chapter 2

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Oscar was working another late nighter, he couldn't sleep anymore. Every time he closed his eyes, Oona popped into his mind, her smile. Her eyes, her dorkiness. He sighed as he slammed his fist on the table, making the gadget he was working on move. Along with the tools, " Get out of my head!!!" he screamed, " Boss, is this right?" " Your so cool!!" " I hope that, we will always be friends Oscar!" " Do you sware?"  Oscar ran his fingers through his hair as he sighed. " She's not here, and I will NEVER see her again. So why? why won't she leave my mind?" he asked as he rubbed his face with his hand. At that moment the dreaded memory replayed in his mind.  " Oscar I, I will miss you" Ms. O said sadness was in her eyes. " I know Ms. O, I will miss you all so much" The blonde scientist said as he, turned off the light in his lab. Ms. O gave a week smile, " Hey Bo-what's going on?" a confused Oona asked, as she looked from Ms. O to Oscar, " Oona, Oscar is-leaving. You will be the new Scientist of Odd squad." Ms. O said, Oona blinked twice, " T-that can't be true!!" Boss tell me that isn't true!" Oona almost yelled, Oscar sighed. Sadness was in his eyes. " I can't Oona because, it is true. I am leaving Odd squad" Oscar said as he fixed his glasses. Tears ran down the pale girl's face. " No-no this must all be a bad dream!! Boss what will I do, without you?" Oona asked as the tears ran down her face even quicker. Oscar sighed as he patted Oona's head. " Oh you will make it, you will have Ms. O and all the agents to keep you, Nice and busy." He said with a forced smile. Oona began to sob, she couldn't help it. She was heartbroken. " Hey, maybe on your off days you can come over to the S.O. O.S" He said. Oona nodded her head but she couldn't speak. " Oscar, I think you need, to go" Ms. o said Oscar nodded his head, as Ms. O led him to the squash-a-nator room. " O'Mill, send Oscar to to S.O.O.S" Ms. O commanded, O'Mill nodded his head as Oscar got into a tube. " Goodbye Ms. O thank you for everything" Oscar said with a wave. And then, just like that he was gone. Oona noticed Ms. O and Oscar were gone, she ran to the squash-a-nator room. To say goodbye to her Boss but, she was too late. " Is he?" she asked, Ms. O slowly nodder her head. Then like vapor The merory was gone. Oscar blinked twice. " I wish I could have stayed." he mumbled as he got a screwdriver and began to work on his gadget again. " Hey Oscar-San, your still working?" a pale girl asked. As she entered Oscar lab. The boy only nodded his head, The girl frowned. " Are you thinking of her?" she asked with a sigh, Oscar stopped in his work. " what do you think Milly?!" he barked as he slambed the screwdriver down on the desk. Milly sighed, " I'm sorry I just worry about your health!" Milly hissed back, as she began to mess with her white hair, Her blue eyes shined, in the moonlight. Oscar sighed, as he turned to face the white headed girl. " "I'm sorry Mil I-I just I don't know anymore. I have had 20 cups of coffee and I can't even remember the last time, I slept." he said, he messed with his glasses, Milly smiled. " Its ok Oscar-San that brunet's got you around her little finger." Milly said with a laugh. Making Oscar blush. " "Milly! shut up! you don't even know her!!" Oscar shouted. Milly faced Oscar blue eyes met brown ones, " Her name is Oona black, she is 17 years old same age as you. She works at the Odd squad you use to" Milly said with a smirk. Oscar's blush deeped. " How?" he asked, " Um, duh she like all you ever talk about. Your stupid Oscar-San!" Milly teased. Milly I have had 20 cups of coffee and no sleep, do you really wanna test me right now?!!!!!" Oscar screamed at the top of his lungs. Milly strugged and walked out of the lab. Oscar sighed, He should fill peacefull and happy. Yet he yearned to See his old friend, his crush the girl That was on his mind 24/7. He wanted to see,

Oona Black.

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