Ponyboy meets the New Girl

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It was your first day at your new school and you were so nervous. You had just recently moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma and you didn't know anyone- except your mother. You were afraid to go to school because you wouldn't know anyone and you were afraid you would get made fun of. When you finally got your schedule you were looking down the whole time and didn't realize a boy about your height was walking towards you. You walked right into him dropping all your papers. 

"Oh my god I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going I was just trying to find" 

You suddenly look up at who you bumped into and you see the hottest guy you have ever seen in your life crouching down in front of you. You suddenly blurt out 

"Holy shit you're hot" 

You suddenly cover your mouth but then say 

"Oh my lord did I just say that out loud? Oh I'm so embarrassed" 

You look up and he's blushing a lot. 

"That's okay. You're really pretty yourself. I-I'm Ponyboy. Ponyboy Curtis" 

You feel yourself blush and you two stand up. 

"That's an original name. I'm Y/N btw" 

"My dad was an original man. And may I say your name is really beautiful"  

"Are you okay? You seem nervous"  

"Well it's just you're so beautiful and I get really shy sometimes when I talk to beautiful girls like you." 

You started blushing and before you could think about what you're doing, you gave him a huge hug and started thanking him over and over again. 

You had the same classes together so, you hung out throughout the day. During your last class you get a note from Ponyboy saying 

'Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school today?' 

You look over and smile at him. You respond with 'I'd love to!'

You pass the note back and he told you to meet him at the park. You couldn't wait to hang out with him. You were secretly starting to like him. You hoped he liked you too. The final bell rang and you tried to get out of school as fast as you could but you got caught up in the stampede of students and ended up being one of the last people out of the building. 

Ponyboy's POV

I was starting to get worried. Y/N still hasn't shown up. She probably got stuck coming out of school. I wanted her to meet me here so I could ask her to go to movies with me. I hope she says yes. She's so gorgeous and kind and I'm so glad that I met her today. I think I'm starting to like her. Johnny and I walked out of school together and walked over to where Y/N was going to meet me.

Johnny's POV

Ponyboy told me that I wasn't allowed to stay long. I could meet Y/N and then I had to make up an excuse to leave so that he could ask her out. I hope she's a nice girl. I don't want Pony to get hurt.

We finally saw a girl walking towards us. I asked Pony if that was her. He looked at her with this really sweet look in his eyes. 

"That's her. What do you think?" 

"God she's gorgeous." 

I accidentally say out loud. Ponyboy looks over at me.

"Well find someone else because I plan on asking her out" 

He wasn't threatening me but he looked like he really liked this girl. It was really sweet.


Oh thank goodness Pony was still there. I started running towards him and instead of stopping I ran into his arms. I didn't care if people were watching. I needed to hug him. It was the best feeling ever. Okay yep I think I definately like him. I look over at an embarrassed kid. 

"Hi I'm Johnny. I-I-I'm Pony's friend."

"I'm Y/N nice to meet you Johnny." 

"You're awful beautiful if I may say."

'Wow he thinks I'm beautiful? Snap out of it Y/N! You're supposed to like Ponyboy!' 

Pony looks over at you wide eyed. 'Oh shit did I just say that out loud?!?' 

"Did you-what- did you just say you like me?"  


You were worried now. But you had nothing to worry about. Pony smiled at you and pulled you in for a kiss. 'OMG IM KISSING PONYBOY!! THIS IS AMAZING!❤️❤️' He pulls away and says 

"I like you too Y/N" 

Now it's your turn to pull him in for a kiss. He pushes you both to the ground and he's on top of you. 'Oh my god this is amazing. The guy I like likes me back!'

You hear Johnny walk away and Pony pulls away to yell,

"Bye Johnnycake!" 

"Johnnycake?" You ask while giggling. 

"Yea that's his nickname. The whole gang calls him that." 

"Maybe you could give me a nickname?" You ask with a smirk on your face. 

"How about.." He thinks and then says "My girl?"

 "I could get used to that😉" 

You kiss for a while on the ground of the park until all of sudden he gets up and helps you up. He asks you if you want to meet the rest of his gang. He picks you up bridal style before you can answer and carries you to his house. You walk in and the whole gang is there. They all look at you and Pony sets you down and you just giggle. The whole gang stares at you guys as you sit down on the couch hand in hand. They all rush over and start asking you questions and introducing themselves. One of them named Steve says to Ponyboy 

"When you gonna introduce your lady to us?" He looks over at Johnny and he says 

"Oops. I may have told them." You and Pony just burst out laughing. You roll off of the couch and land on the floor. 

"Ouch" you whine out. Ponyboy immediately picks you up and asks  if you're okay. You say you're okay but then he says, 

"I know what will make you feel better." 

You just look at him with a confused look and then he pulls you in for a long and passionate kiss. The whole gang is watching you kiss and saying "Awww" When Pony finally pulls away he says, "Everyone this is Y/N!" 

He puts his arm around you. You cuddle up to him while the gang introduces themselves to you. There is Sodapop, Darry, Keith (Two-Bit), Steve, Johnny, and Dally who tried to hit on you but pony just threatened him. You look up at Pony and give him a small kiss on the lips and you feel yourself blushing. You feel your eyelids start to close and you drift off to sleep safe in pony's arms.

-----------The end -----------

Hello! Yay, new chapter up! Okay so this is the second chapter. Hope you guys liked it! Also, I'm thinking about adding some preferences in here as well. What do you think? Comment what you think.

Stay Gold Readers, Stay Gold❤️🏆

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