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A/N: Hey guys! Haven't really updated in a while. I am warning you now that this chapter is long sorry. Whenever I write stuff for Two-Bit I never want to stop XD. Also in this one-shot, you are 18 years old. Sorry if you are younger than that but you need to be 18 for this one shot to work.

You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock. 

'What the hell it's Saturday! Why is my alarm going off?!'. 

You reluctantly get out of bed and shut your alarm clock off. You go downstairs to see a note on the counter. It read:

"Dear Y/N,

Good Morning sweetie! I hope you got enough sleep. I had to be at work early and your dad is still out on his business trip. I won't be home until late tonight. Try and go out and not just stay inside all day! Love you!


You sigh getting up from the stool to look at what you could have for breakfast. 

"Aww come on! Why is there no food in the freezer?!" 

You yell out in anger. You drag yourself up the stairs and into your bedroom to get dressed. You pick out a Mickey Mouse shirt, black ripped jeans, your leather jacket, red converse, and a grey beanie. You then go into the bathroom and curl your hair into loose curls and put on some mascara. Finally, you go back into your room and grab your switchblade before running down the stairs and out the door and make your way over to the Dingo. To your surprise there wasn't a fight going on outside. You go inside and sit down at a booth and look at the menu. Even though you have been here so many times you just like to look at the menu to pass the time.

A waitress comes over to your table to take your order. 

"Hello Y/N how are you today?" 

"Oh hello Mary! I'm doing fine. Ill have the usual please" 

"Sure thing," 

She says and walks away. You're busy looking out the window and don't notice some dude come over to your table. 

---Hey guys just a quick note: This part is a little heavy on the dialogue and it can get a little confusing as to who is speaking what. So the gross guy is gonna be in bold and everyone else is gonna be regular. ---

"Hey gorgeous. Couldn't help but notice that you're sitting here all alone. Maybe you want some company" 

"Uh no thanks, I'm fine thanks," 

"Come on baby don't be like that. I can show you a good time." 

"I said no. Now please leave me alone!" 

You start to get louder as the guy can't take a hint. 

"I don't think I can do that" 

He says and starts trying to touch you. 

"Hey stop it! You perv!" 

"What if I don't want to stop huh?" 

All of a sudden you hear someone yell 


"What are you gonna do about it huh?" 

"Well I may just get my buddy that goes by the name of Dallas Winston and get him to beat the shit out of you!" 

"Haha. I don't believe you for a second that you know Winston. Who are you anyway? Her boyfriend?" 

"Actually yes HE is," you say in the dude's face. 

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