How He Tells You He Likes You

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You were in the living room at the Curtis when you heard a loud bang.  You shot out of your seat and ran into the kitchen to see Darry laying on the floor holding his head. 

"Darry what happened?!" You exclaim.  

"I went to take a pot out and it got stuck and I fell back and it hit my head"  

"Oh, Darry next time you have to be more careful. Let's get you bandaged up" 

You say while pulling him up and dragging him into the bathroom. You weren't going to lie, when you held his hand, you felt tingly. Darry sat down on the toilet while you took out the bandages. The entire time you noticed Darry looking at you. 

"Why are you looking at me like that" 

"Y-you're just so beautiful" his response surprised you. You blush and look down. 

"Look, I know this is out of the blue but will you go out with me Y/N?" 

"Wait are you serious?"

To answer your question, he presses his soft lips to yours. You instantly wrap your arms around his neck as his comes around waist. You smile into the kiss as Darry stands up and pushes you against the wall. Things were just starting to get heated when the door opens and all the boys come falling through the door. 

"Crap. Aye get it Darry" 

You instantly pull away from Darry and blush. 

"So was that a yes?" he asks. 

"Of course it was" you say then kissing him again.  

(A/N: seriously why can't this happen to me in real life. That moment when you realize that nobody likes you)

A/N: okay so for the rest of the guys I'm just going to do a few lines each because otherwise it would take too long.


"Hey Y/N? I was wondering if you wanted to uh go to the movies with me tonight?" 

"Are you asking me on a date Two-Bit Matthews?" 

"So what if I am?"

"Well then, yes I would love to go on a date with you."

"Great I'll pick you up at 7" 


"Look Y/N I know you think that I'm just a hood and I sleep around with anything that isn't nailed to the ground. But, believe me. Ever since I met you, I've stopped sleeping around and even looking at any girl because you're so damn beautiful and you're the only girl that I want in my life. Will you please go out with me?"

"You have one chance Winston"


"Y/N? Can I come in?"

You open the door and as soon as you see Pony you burst into tears and run towards him and hug him. 

"Hey now. Y/N it's going to be okay. He doesn't deserve your love okay? He was crazy for rejecting you and leaving you for your best friend. She's not even as pretty as you!" 

(This is really random but as I'm writing I'm listening to kid music and Big Time Rush just came on and I started fangirling. I'm an almost 14-year-old. Am I the only one who still obsessed with Big Time Rush? Just me? Okay I'll leave again) 

"Pony you don't have to lie. I just don't know why he would do this to me. He told me he loved me.  I loved him for a year and he just keeps on climbing back to Y/B/F/N (your best friend's name) and I never did anything to hurt him. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest."

"I have an idea of what might help you feel better." 


Before I can say anything else I'm cut off by Pony's lips. I feel sparks go off and I kiss him back. It was a gentle passionate kiss but it still meant everything to me. 

"I feel so much better but I could use some ice cream," 

You say winking at him. 

"You're lucky you're cute" 


"Y/N? C-Can I stay at your place tonight? My folks are fighting again" 

"Of course Johnny," 

You say while scooting over in your bed to make room for him. In a matter of a few seconds you feel the bed dip and a pair of arms wrap around your waist. 

"Thank you Y/N" 

"Johnny you know you are always welcome here."

"Y/N. I love you. Not just in a friendly way. In the way that when you walk in a room I swear I can feel my heart skip a beat. The way that when you hold my hand I feel tingly. The part where I can't stop thinking about you and how I'm not complete without you. I feel safe in your arms."

"Johnny, I feel the same way"

"Oh thank god."


You were playing football with the gang at the park. You and Steve were on opposite teams and he kept trying to tackle you (For the record I have no idea how to play football or any sports for that matter). 

He finally managed to tackle you and when he did he was basically on top of you. You both were blushing like crazy and finally, Steve broke the silence. 

"Can I kiss you" 

You chuckle and nod. He closes the gap between your lips and his. You feel like the whole world has stopped moving and it's just the two of you. When you pull away, Steve automatically asks, "Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" 

"Well, after that kiss, how can I say no?"


You were dating Steve, and Sodapop was your best friend. Lately, you've noticed that you've started to have feelings for Sodapop. However, you were dating Steve and Soda seemed to be distant lately. You finally decided to confront him when he finished his shift. You were in the back with Steve when you saw Soda starting to pack up. 

"Steve? Can I go talk to Soda real quick?" 

"Y/N, of course, you can. Also, I've noticed the way that you two look at each other. I just want you to be happy and although this is hard for me to do, if it means you will be happy then it makes it easier. Y/N, I'm breaking up with you. Now go get Sodapop. Get your mans." You had never been so happy after a breakup. 

You run after Soda. 

"Hey Soda! Wait up!" you yell. 

"What do you want Y/n?" Soda snaps. 

"Soda what happened between us? You have been acting so distant lately. Did I do something?"

"Y/N you didn't do anything wrong and I'm sorry that I have been distant. It's just that it's hard to see my crush with my best friend. Y/N I'm in love with you but you're with Steve and it breaks my heart." 

You cut him off with a kiss. 

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." 

"Wait what about Steve?" 

"He broke up with me a few minutes ago so that we can be together." 

And with that, he kisses me again. This boy will forever have my heart. 

I am back!! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I have been stressing over high school but now I know where I am going and everything has somewhat settled down. Except for my boy drama but I can work that out. Anyway sorry that this took so long to upload. Also, thank you for all the views! I value all of my readers. I'm going to try to post later this week but it may not happen because my birthday is on Wednesday and on Friday I have a performance for my school. 

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