Steve loves you

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You have had a crush on Steve for a while now and you were starting to think that he liked you back. He started flirting with you and he would act all nice around you and such.

One night you were at the Curtis house hanging out with the gang when all of a sudden Steve came in and sat down next to you. You started getting nervous because you were blushing and was afraid for him to see. He looked over at you and suddenly got up and said 

"I'm going for a walk. Y/N care to join me?" 

Before you can answer Two-Bit says

"I'll go." 

You knew he was just joking but you wanted to punch Two-Bit. 

"No the invitation is only up for Y/N" he said winking at you. You get up and say 

"Sure that sounds like fun." 

You walk out of the house and into the warm air.

You're walking down the street towards the lot when you feel Steve grab your hand. You look at him blushing and when he looked at you, you looked away. You got to the couch in the middle of the lot and lay down looking at the stars. You lay your head on his shoulder and the last thing you remember was falling asleep on his shoulder.

-----------the next morning------------

You wake up on the Curtis' couch with Steve's arm around you and him pressed up against you. You look up at him and he's smiling in his sleep. You don't remember anything past falling asleep so you decided to ask Steve when he wakes up. While you're waiting for him to wake up, you decide to make a chocolate cake for him. That's when you notice a letter on the table addressed to you. While the cake is baking you sit down and read the note.

50 Reasons why you, Y/N should go on a date with me, Steve Randle

I am great with cars
I'm super fabulous
Um... I think that's it
Wait no...
I can count unlike Dally
I think I forgot something
No, I don't think I did
I know my ABCs
I'm friends with soda
I have a crappy, low paying job
I'm a greaser!
I dropped outta high school...wait I don't think that's good
I think we'd be wonderful together
You don't really have that many other options...
I'm usually half naked
I like boobs
You're a girl
Not that I would mind being with a boy, but that's beside the point
I'm funny
I'm cool...?
I don't really have anything else...
I have close ties with the rest of the gang
I'm great at making lists
I'm the Lord of chocolate cake
I'll learn how to make a chocolate cake just for you
You need to keep me away from Evie she's loco in the coco
I need someone to nurse the babies I'm having with two-bit...
I'm not actually having babies with two bit
We can spend countless nights talking about cars
You can show me what this 'soap' thing is and what it's 'miracles' are
Maybe I'll finally understand how a girl works.
Yeah, actually that won't ever happen ...
We can go to the lake and throw rocks at Socs
I won't accidentally give you flowers with bees in them
I won't talk about sunsets 24/7 *cough cough Ponyboy*
I won't take you to the dingo or any other low down place for our date, it's a date, not a derby race
I won't come out and admit I'm super gay
I like cuddling😏
I'm tall so when I go in to kiss you I'll lean down to be at your height (isn't that romantic?!)
I'll take good care of you and be everything you need. Well almost everything, it's the thought that counts
I'll protect you against the Socs
I like making pretty faces
We can have fun playing Mr. Potato with people who f**k with you
You can call me Stevie and I won't make your face look like one of Picasso's painting
I know you want me. Just admit it!
I think you're prettier than soda! And I sorta got smacked for that😁
Do you want to know what the last reason is? Huh? Do you?
It's because I love you😍😍

You start crying because you've waited your whole life to find out that Steve liked you back. You hear Steve waking up and he looks over at you to see you crying. He rushes over to you and starts to comfort you. 

"Y/N! What's wrong?! Omigod did Dally do something to you? I'll beat his ass for you😉" 

You smile at him and hug him and say 

"No the only thing somebody did was you stealing my heart" 

He looks at you and kisses you. 

"What was that for?" 

"Because I love you😍" 

You look up at him and you feel your eyes start to tear up. 

"Why are you crying baby girl?" 

You look up at him and kiss him. When he breaks away you say 

"Because I love you too"

He pulls you into a long and passionate kiss when all of a sudden you hear a voice say 

"God, get a room" You look over and see it was Sodapop. The two of you burst out laughing.

"Baby I have to go to work but come over on my break and I'll give you a show." 

He says winking. 

"Ooh aren't I lucky😉" 

He pulls you in for a hug and whispers in your ear 

"I love you so much baby" and with that, he leaves for work with Sodapop.

You turn around to see Two-Bit in the kitchen eating the chocolate cake. 


"Well, now it's for Two-Bit. Plus why should Steve get cake and I shouldn't?" 

He asks with a smirk on his face. You knew everyone in the gang had a crush on you but you belonged to Steve now ❤️

"Because I made it for my boyfriend." 

You say with a little attitude in your voice. Two-bit comes over and gets close to you and says "Come on baby. Don't you want to be with a man like me? Steve is no good for you. Me on the other hand... IM AWESOME!" 

He says flexing his non-muscles. You burst into laughter and Two is confused. He thinks he turns you on so he comes over to you and tries to kiss you. 

"Two-Bit! Get off of me! I love you and all but like a brother. I'm in love with Steve and he loves me and I will not cheat on my boyfriend!" By now the rest of the gang is in the kitchen looking at you. Two-bit looks over at you and says 

"Well, I'm glad Steve has found a loyal girl. All of his other girlfriends have agreed to kiss me. You passed the test" 

I look at him with wide eyes and scream 

"This was all a test?" He nodded and smiled at me.

I ran out of the house and ran to the DX. When I get there, Steve is on the phone. 

"She passed the test? Hallelujah, she actually loves me. Thanks, Two." 

He looks at you and runs to you picking you up and spinning you round and round. Finally, he sets you down and crashes his lips onto yours. Soda comes in and says 

"Again get a room. Or just wait until Steve gets on his break" 

Steve looks over at him and says 

"She passed the test" 

He looks at you wide-eyed and runs over to you. 

"You passed the test?! Yea! You're the first of Steve's girlfriends to pass the test!" 

I looked at Steve and said 

"Well, then I guess I really love Steve don't I. ❤️" 

With that, he pulls you into another long and passionate kiss. 

"Now Now I was told I would get a show" and off you went.

-----------------the end---------------

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