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I can't believe it. I thought I was doing so well! What am I supposed to do now?! I can't believe I just got fired. Where am I going to find a new job?
All these thoughts were running through your head while you were walking down the street, tears streaming down your face. You had just been fired from your job. You were upset but also a little grateful. You had always wanted to be a construction worker when you were older and so now was your chance to follow that dream. The only problem was, where are there any construction job openings?
You were so focused on figuring out what to do that you didn't see a tall muscular guy who looked to be about 20 years old walking towards you.
"Hey, are you okay?" 

"No, I'm not actually. I just got fired from my job and now I don't know where I'm supposed to find a new job and I want to be in construction but I don't even know where to start looking for that kind of job. God my life is-" 

You start rambling on but before you keep going you are interrupted. 

"Hey, it's okay. Lucky for you I work in construction and we have an opening. I think I can talk to my boss and get you that job. Especially cause you would be my partner and you're very beautiful" 

"Are you serious?! That would be amazing! Thank you so much!" 

You say hugging him. 

"Oh um I'm Y/N by the way," 

You say sticking out your hand. 

"Darrel Curtis but you can call me Darry." 

He says shaking your hand. 

"Well here's my phone number. Give me a call whenever about the job and if I need to go in for an interview or something" 

You say handing him a piece of paper with your name and number on it.

"Trust me that won't be the only thing I'll be calling you about" 

"Well good. I'll be looking forward to your call Mr. Curtis😉" 

You say winking and then walk away.

I think I just scored a date with a smoking hot guy!! Go me!👏🏻👏🏻

It's been two days since I met Darry and he still hasn't called. 'Is there something wrong with me? Did he not like me? I just need to calm down, he's probably just busy that's all.'

I turn on my tv and flip through the channels looking for something to watch. I finally decide to watch one of my favorite movies of all time, Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets ( I love all the Harry Potter books and movies btw). Just as the movie gets to the part where Ron gets a Howler from his mother, the phone rings. I run to the kitchen and pick it up. 

"Hello, this is Y/N speaking who is this?" 

"Y/N! Thank god you answered! It's Darry." 

You could barely contain your excitement that Darry had finally called. 

"Hey Darry what's up?" 

"Well I talked to my boss about getting you that job... and you got the job!" 

"What? that's amazing! But how did you do it? I mean your boss doesn't even know me!" 

"Well I talked to him about you and he said you must be amazing if I'm recommending you and he said you can have the job" 

"Darry that's amazing! You're amazing! I'm so happy I could kiss you right now!" 

I then realize that I just said that I wanted to kiss him. 

"Oh my god, that was embarrassing. I can't believe that I said that. I am so sorry" 

"Haha don't worry about it. I've actually been thinking about you since I met you and you could kiss me and I wouldn't push you away. I was actually wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" 

'Oh. My. God. Is this really happening? Holy shit! Yay!!' 

"Of course! When?" 

"Great! Well, I'm actually by myself right now. My brothers and the rest of my gang are out god knows where and I was just about to order Chinese food and watch a movie. Maybe I could come over to your place and we could have a lazy date?" 

"That sounds perfect! Let me give you my address!"

You tell him your address and then he hangs up. You were so excited.

About 10 minutes later you hear your doorbell ring. You open it to see Darry with some movies and Chinese food. 

"Aww, Darry! You really didn't have to do this!" 

You say blushing. 

"Of course I do. It is a date after all"  

"Well come on in" 

You say opening the door more so he could come in. You sit down on the couch and Darry joined you with the food and movies. 

"So what movies did you bring?" 

"Well, I brought all the Harry Potter movies which are my favorite and a movie called 50 first dates." (A/N I know that back then this wasn't a movie but just pretend.) 

"No Way! I love Harry Potter!!" 

"I thought I was alone! My brothers and gang make fun of me for liking it!" 

"Well, you certainly aren't alone." 

"Well after this date I don't think I'll be alone." He said winking.

You both settle in and watch the first Harry Potter and eat your food while getting to know each other more. 

"I'm really glad you agreed to go out with me Y/N" Darry said. 

"I'm glad you asked me" 

"You know Y/N you're very beautiful" 

"Aww you're so sweet but you don't have to lie" 

"What are you talking about?! You are beautiful and I'm the luckiest man on this earth to be on a date with you." 

"Aww, Darry you're making me blush" 

You turn your head so he can't see your face. He takes his pointer finger and places it under your chin to make you look at him. 

"I'm glad. You look cute when you blush" 

Before you can respond, his lips are on yours. So many thoughts are going through your head but the main one is Best. Date. Ever.

A/N: Hello my readers! Let me just apologize first for not updating in a while. I just started school last week and my schedule is a little crazy. So I will try to update whenever I get a chance.  I'm also having trouble coming up with some storylines so if you guys have any ideas please comment. It would help me out. Also just a reminder, I do take requests so if you want a one shot with your name, comment or message me with the info. If you want a request the form is:

Age: (it can be your actual age or a fake age so your closer to the age of the member of the gang)
Which boy:
Any extra info you want me to use:

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