Chapter 1

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Aria's P.O.V.

The sound of the squeaks of sneakers touching the clean floor of the gym and the bouncing of a basketball used to be such a calming sound that made everything feel so right but at this moment, it was the sound that made my heart accelerate with anxiety and cringe from fear. I watch as my best friends walk away from me with such coldness that I felt the of small daggers piercing in my skin like I was slowly drowning in the depths of the Antarctica ocean.

"Te-kun, Se-kun, Ki-Kun, Mu-kun, Shi-kun, Da-kun...." I muttered under my breath. My soft voice has never trembled like this and my eyes burned with tears that were rapidly trickling down my chin. They did not bother to turn to me which made my heart ache with such immense pain.

"Aria-chan...a-are you okay?" I turn to see my pink haired friend. She gave me a sad smile and I turn away from her while shaking my head. Smiles shouldn't look like that. Smiles are when you are happy...

"Sa-kun....I-I'm not...okay and I know you're not okay either. So...Don't smile like that...please." That was the last thing I remember saying because my vision blurred and the world seemed like it was spinning. My hand reached for my head and it throbbed which made me cringe and immediately let go.

I can see Sa-kun in front of me with tears in her eyes, trying to tell me something but all I heard was an endless beeping sound. She shook me but my body felt numb and I didn't feel anything at the moment. The lights seemed brighter and it made it hard to see what was around me yet the sight of Sa-kun calling for help didn't escape my range of sight.

At that moment the 6 faces of my most beloved friends came to view but their expressions were worried and horrified yet I felt so at ease once I saw their faces. They finally looked at me.... they finally turned to me...

I could see them trying to tell me something or shout at me yet I couldn't hear it, but I was sure they were calling out my name. Watching them worry over me somehow made me feel happy. Maybe it was because they finally showed emotions towards me. It's been too long that I have seen such expressions on their faces.

I couldn't help but smile at them. The happiness I felt that moment couldn't be contained.

Their faces morphed into confusion and sadness, maybe even anger but that was the last thing I saw before completely blacking out.





















"Miss Aria!"

"Miss Aria! Please wake up!"

"Miss Aria! Please wake up! You don't want to be late for the first day of school do you?"

I groaned in annoyance and opened an eye to look at my surroundings only to be greeted by my head maid, Sharon-san.

She has been in the Sakamoto household for the longest and is currently the eldest of all the workers here. Sharon-san was the one who always took care of me while I was little as a substitution of the absence of my parents who are always busy at work. They are never home so she became my motherly figure.

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