Chapter 3

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Aria's P.O.V.

"I will be going now, sensei." I spoke politely and in return, a small smile was offered by the older woman in front of me. Sensei nodded and looked at me with soft eyes.

"Thank you, Sakamoto-san. Go home now. I am grateful for your assistance." She waved and I responded with a curt nod and left.

The first day and I had already been asked to help Sensei after school hours. She had needed help to organize her papers along with marking the assignments that was done earlier today. It was boring, yes, but I wanted to have a good impression on my teacher that I will be learning from for a whole school year. No, I didn't want to be a teacher's pet, but I didn't want to be a rude student either.

When Sensei randomly went up to me after class, she asked for my help. I had just run away from the class since I knew my classmates would be like a stampede as they rush towards me with questions and complements. After running out, I quickly remembered that I had left my notebook under my desk so I hid behind a bush until I saw that most of the students left. Running back into class, only to have Sensei interrogate me then asked for assistance in her work.

It was rather strange that she was in there because I was sure I saw her figure go into a car in the parking lot while I was hiding behind that bush.

Walking towards my home was luxurious as the weather was cool and the wind felt cold and refreshing against my skin. The sun was up but didn't feel as scorching as its supposed to be on a summer day.

"I hope Sharon-san doesn't worry about me. She seems to get easily worried even when I'm just a second late." I mutter and continue on with a small smile on my face until I remembered them. I missed basketball but my parents wouldn't allow me to even play or watch the sport after that incident. I couldn't blame them but I couldn't help but feel frustrated that they are trying to keep my most favorite sport away from me. The sport that made my happiness soar to the skies, beyond the clouds and up into the endless galaxy of stars. Expanding into the endless blanket of stars as it goes miles and miles. There was more out there that hasn't even been discovered yet but my the joy of being with my friends and playing basketball with them enabled me to soar to those extents without looking at the unknown for I know that could be found out later on. I was too busy enjoying the company of people who truly care for me and the sport that brought us together.

But now..

Without basketball....without my friends....I felt like a void. Just a puppet on strings, doing what others expect me to be. My parents were amazing athletes when they were young which I inherited. With this information, they quickly tried to make me play all the sports around the world and every time I wasn't good enough, they would look at me with such disapointment that it was the look that immediately made me shudder in pain and fear. Just a look in their eyes made me feel so small and useless. Those eyes that told me that I wasn't good enough to just simply be their daughter crushed the little girl I was but those 6 people were able to spark a light inside of me and made my solid monotone heart thump in excitement once more.

I knew as a fact that they, my parents, love me but they could sometimes be people I would never want as guardians. Sounding cruel like this made my heart clench with such sadness but it was the truth and the truth isn't always so honey sweet. To me, the truth was such a bitter thing that made me have a habit to avoid hearing it. I wanted to live in the fantasy that my mind set out for me but it seems impossible in my state and I can't help but feel depressed about this truth that I have learned in the hardest way possible that I had lost my joy and happiness in life.

The truth seems that it can only hurt me. Reality is truly cruel to people and especially to the more unfortunate like me. My life is a turmoil of harsh reality that comes out of the dark a bit too frank in my opinion. Truth after truth, it comes so quickly like an array of bullets being shot into me.

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