Chapter 2

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Ryoma's P.O.V.

"Oi~! Echizen! Are you even listening?!" Horio screeched.

"Ryoma-kun isn't listening again." Kato and Katsuo both commented with a sweat drop but I ignored everything and put my head on the desk, my arms as a pillow substitute. Everything was so annoying right now, the screeching fan girls to the endless rants of Horio.

I just wanted to go to tennis practice.

My thoughts were soon cut off once I heard a knock on the door. Opening one eye, I peek over to the entrance to see a girl with a hat and sunglasses which made me curious. That was strange. Even her hair was tucked into her hat...or maybe her hair was short? I'm not sure.

I didn't even notice the sensei talking to the girl then walking back to her desk and telling us to be nice and welcoming to the new student or how all the annoying girls had already dispersed to their assigned seats because I was so focused on the new girl. The comments quickly shot out and there was already a commotion about this new student. I guess they weren't smart enough to look at the door to see her.

"Ooh~ I hope the new student will be a nice person." Katsuo stated with dreamy eyes.

"Yes, it would be nice to have a kind classmate who would help us with our studies. That would be really helpful." Kato added with a small smile. I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes once again. This was useless. Just another fan girl to ignore. What's so amazing about that?

The class soon silenced once sensei looked as if she would explode if they continued and I heard the small pitter patter of the new girl's feet as they met the floor. It stopped and I guess she was at the center.

"Hello. I'm Sakamoto Aria. Please take care of me." Her voice was so soft and sounded as if an angel was cooing me to sleep. The realization that my recent thought was quite strange caused me to bury my head deeper into my arms and try to block out and maybe forget about the strange thought.

Again, the students began bickering and even insulted this Sakamoto Aria. I even felt bad for her. She's new and she already had a bad impression.

I again heard her almost silent footsteps until it was stopped by sensei. She ordered for the girl to take off her hat and sunglasses.

Huh! I knew that would happen but I couldn't help but feel...excited? see the girl's face. The reason why she is hiding her identity will be now confirmed. I couldn't help but open my eye once again to watch the scene play.

The girl walked to sensei and she took off her glasses to show beautiful hazel with a bit of orange and yellow irises that seemed to glisten in the light. In a swift movement, her hat was gone and revealed brown hair with hues of purple and pink. It was in a loose bun so she untied her hair and it fell gracefully to reach her mid thigh.

It seemed as if I didn't notice that I had held my breath because once I was done checking out the girl, I had to suck in a huge amount of oxygen. The sight of her was definitely breath taking.

Havoc broke loose and yet, Sakamoto Aria ignored all the questions and comments thrown at her by walking over to the only vacant seat, which happened to be right next to me, without a single word or glance.

I watched as she immediately rests her head on the desk like how I was doing. It was quite...cute...if you asked me. She even tried to cover her ears to block the loud sounds around us.

She was definitely not one of those fan girls because she would've looked around for me and try talking to me. The news about me being in this school is known by everyone by now. Yet, this Sakamoto Aria immediately puts her head down, not even bothering to search for a good looking guy like most girls.

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