Duncan x Gwen

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(I chose this picture because I can't stand to look at them as a couple!  lol!)

     Duncan. Gwen. I HATE THIS SHIP WITH A DEEP PASSION THAT WILL NEVER GO AWAY! The Goth and the Punk? Come on! Be more original. Punk and the Prep? That's interesting. Goth and Guitarist? Beautiful. But, Goth and Punk? Nope. They were fine as friends. Guys have a lot of girls they're friends with that they don't have romantic feelings for.  Girls have a lot of guys they're friends with that they don't have romantic feelings for.  So, why ruin Gwent and Duncney and a friendship to make this stupid couple!  Honestly I think they were more annoyed and bored with each other than with their previous relationships!  This was a horrible couple and I hate it.  They shouldn't have gotten together.  This one pairing ruined so many characters, relationships, and more.  Thank God they broke up! Anyways I think that Gwen was more invested than Duncan because Duncan still had feelings for Courtney as shown in All Stars!!! It was also completely against their characters' personalities!  Duncan and Gwen don't go together well when in a relationship and they most certainly do not belong together!

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