Courtney x Trent

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As some of you may know, I put actual pictures of characters in the show for each part, but this is all I have for this ship, so it basically just really proves my point... (It's what the Total Drama Wiki has for Courtney and Trent's interactions. Wow. How can anyone ship this? Their only interactions are practically Courtney calling Trent stupid! Geez! How could anyone think they'd be a good match? I mean, seriously!)
Okay, so apparently a lot of people ship this and I'm like what the hell?! Just because they're Duncan and Gwen's exes, DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY SHOULD HOOK UP!! First of all, Trent is too chill and nice for Courtney. I bet that she'd find his guitar playing to be cliche and unoriginal. Second of all, Trent wouldn't be able to stand Courtney for a second. Her temperament would break him. No one wants Trent to be more broken then he already is. Poor Trent lol. This is such a stupid ship! They aren't each other's types, they barely had any interactions if any, and they wouldn't be able to stand/handle each other for even a split second! It simply would not work out and this pairing was forged out of nothing but the reason that the writers ruined everyone's lives and put Duncan and Gwen together. That's all this is! Ugh I hate this ship. Duncney and Gwent are OTP and Gwuncan and Trentney absolutely suck! Why can't people think before shipping?!

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