Scarlett x Max

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I don't ship these two at all. Scarlett cannot STAND MAX AT ALL! All she does is critique his incompetence and when she reveals her dark side, she makes it incredibly clear that she hates Max. Max is the idiotic one, yet he treated Scarlett like a minion, a servant, an assistant. He completely degraded her. Why would a smart girl like her go for a guy like that? If Scarlett liked someone, it'd be like the Heather and Alejandro situation or the Josee and Jacques situation. They'd be equally maniacal and would respect each other's brilliance. This was a ship with very poor thinking behind it. Anyways, it's not like Max liked Scarlett either. He complained about her a lot and I think he even found it gross how people called them a couple. They both did, and not like the Courtney and Duncan thing which was clear they liked each other and their crazy pet names were loving not meant to be entirely insulting...(lol)... This ship was not thought through and I don't back it at all.

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