Chapter 3: Good Grammar & Punctuation

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This is a huge impact on your story. If your story has poor grammar and punctuation, people will have a hard time reading it and most likely not vote. 

For example:

Bad grammar: i go to the store and and bought milk.

Proper: I went to the store and bought milk.

See how much better is sounds? Now let's see what impact punctuation has.

For example:

Bad punctuation: "hello" I asked. "are you there"

Proper: "Hello?" I asked. "Are you there?"

Wow. . . that changed it a lot. If you have followers like me, who are obsessed with correct grammar and punctuation, then you definitely want to make sure your punctuation and grammar is proper.

Also, there is no need to add lots of explanation marks and questions marks.

For example:


What you should do: Really?!

Just because there is more explanation marks and question marks, it does not make it more exciting. 

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