Special Feature: Interview with @northernriver

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Please note that this is a REAL interview between @northernriver and @smartdog142. 


Make sure to check out her book, His Sweets Girl. And make sure to share some love with this girl. Her popular, old account got hacked, yet here she is, with a new account, not giving up. I wish I had that courage!


Me: When did you start writing?

northernriver: I started writing when I  as eleven years old, but I started writing on Wattpad two years ago.

Me: What helps give you ideas for plots and stories?

northernriver: Everything. I could look at a wall and get an idea for a book.

Me: Who inspires you?

northernriver: My lovely best friend. She's an amazing person and is a grammatical freak as well.

Me: Why did you start Wattpad?

northernriver: I started Wattpad because one of my friends had it and I wanted to try it myself. I instantly fell in love with most of the stories.

Me: How old are you?

northernriver: I'm currently nineteen years old.

Me: What got you interested in writing?

northernriver: I got interested in writing when I wrote my first short story "Daily Dose of Lies." It was deleted (and hacked) with my old account, sadly. Maybe I'll publish it again. I was still interested in writing more because I felt like I was a great writer.

Me: What is your favorite book(s)?

northernriver: Basically anything written by John Green or Cassandra Clare's TMI series.

Me: Do you have any pets?

northernriver: Not in the U.S. Back in Italy, I have a dog named Sebastian. (He's mine but my family thinks it's theirs just because I'm in the U.S!)

Me: What is your favorite color?

northernriver: I like a lot of COLORS, but if black was a color, then it'd definitely be black.

Me: What inspiring words would you like to give to your fans and followers?

northernriver: Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. I probably sounded triggered or something with that. Inspirations can be found practically anywhere. Literally stare at a wall for 15 minutes and you'll get an idea! Seriously though, you can be the best if you work hard. Work hard to accomplish and succeed. Trust me. Me: Thank you for letting me interview you!northernriver: No problem!! I'm honored, I should be thanking you!

Writing Tips for the Future AuthorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora