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"Why do we have to leave, again?"

"You know your father and I are getting divorced... I'm staying put while he moves to his hometown. You can visit anytime, honeybun."

"I don't wanna leave. Jeff, Gar, Ivy..."

"I know you don't, but we don't have the same connection as before. And you're a daddy's girl and deserve him. The boys are staying."

"You don't love me enough to have me stay."

"You know I love you to pieces."

"Whatever. I don't believe you."


Hey... Again.

I'm only doing this because I'm bored.


I don't want to leave but I don't want to be away from dad. He is my rock. He needs me and I need him. Plus he's awesome.

But I still hate that I'm leaving everyone I know... I'm going to miss them all. Jeffory, Garroth, and Ivy even if we got off the wrong foot.

At least I'll be closer to Nikkie. She moved a few months ago to Scaleswind. I'll be slightly closer but by no means close enough to touch.

I hate my life sometimes. I feel that I have nothing but at the same time I have everything I want at my disposal.

I need help. But, I'm not crazy either.

I should be packing now. A bag for essentials to use at the last minute and boxes of my belongings. I'm thinking of asking dad to donate a lot of the childish crap and using my money to buy new stuff. I'll decide later.

We are going out to my favorite restaurant tonight, probably for the last time before we move. I'm sad about it.

I hear the doorbell. Bye then.


Katelyn's Diary /-/ Travlyn AUWhere stories live. Discover now