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"Hey Sugar Pea."


"W-What would you like for your first breakfast in the new house?"

"Pumpkin pancakes, pretty please."

"Sure can do. But, how do you like it so far?"


"The house."

"It's better than I thought, but nothing, no matter what happens here, will make me feel full and lively again, take my word for it."


School here begins the first. I don't wanna go. But, might as well torture myself more.

Being here is super bittersweet. I absolutely love the house and the setting; the color is going to be painted blue in honor of our hair, making it perfect with the black shutters.

My room looks fabulous, aside from the many boxes scattered here and there. I like the bay window and dad said he would get me a black cushion to make the other window's black blinds.

We aren't emo or anything, it just matches nicely.

My bed is white with black and blue pillows, with an extra super fluffy tan one. It doesn't really match but I love it.

It's also the perfect size for all of my belongings and ones to come, but of course, their are always cons.

I hate having to move.

If this house was in O'khasis, I would be in absolute paradise. My friends and family would be together and I would have a rad room.

But that won't happen. I know it. Unless I convince my dad to move back, which is slim.

I still need to do some online shopping to buy some posters and paintings for the wall, and possibly new paint for the room since it is a plain light green that doesn't match well.

I was thinking of white walls with an accent wall of aqua blue with black polka dots or stripes. I would either paint it myself or just buy some wallpaper.

We still don't have the wifi and stuff connected, so it won't be for a little while. But I can still plan where everything can go.

I actually got rid of a lot of crap I never used. But, that still leaves room for more crap I'll buy in the future.

I also found out some bad news the other day as well. Since I'm a September baby, I'm being held back to sophomore year. I've already gone through sophomore year... I'm still super pissy about it but I'm glad because I'll already know all the knowledge. Except math, I'm taking double accelerated aka normal since I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A JUNIOR.

I literally just thought of something genius though.

I can move back into an apartment in O'khasis when I turn 18! That's the legal age to live alone, so why not. But, thats not for another year... And I would need my own car... And everyone would be a year ahead in university since IM HELD BACK. I didn't even do anything bad, that's the worst part.

I'm going back to unpacking, even though I don't want to.

Bye now.


Katelyn's Diary /-/ Travlyn AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora