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"Goodbye Jeff, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too Kate."

"Bye everyone..."

"Visit soon!"

"Are you ready Sugar Pea?"

"No. But do I really have a choice at this point?"


We are pulling out of the driveway now. I miss everyone. Tears are literally about to fall of my face for the first time in years.

That's how crappy I feel.

I hate feeling sad, even if my normal attitude and personality comes across as tough and secretive. That's just how I am, but I don't like to think of myself as sad.

I know if I'm truly sad in Phoenix Drop, I will ask Dad to move. At least to Scaleswind so I have Nikkie. All I need in life is proper human needs like water, food, shelter... And friends. That's it. No love. No family. Just friends. It's what keeps me going.

I just saw a bluebird. It was super pretty and Dad just said how it reminds him of me. I asked why and he said it's complicated.


I'm just hoping it's not too far of a ride, it's already awkward and silent in here and it's making me uncomfortable.

Oh crap. Dad just read that aloud.

Now he's gonna be so loud.

And now he's singing about me. Great.

At least I'm not in front of anyone but still. His voice isn't fit for singing. But he is making me laugh, I'll give him that.

That is one thing I do love about my dad. He can lighten the mood anytime and make me smile, no matter the situation. Though I will be frowning soon, when we get there.

Dad said its only been two hours so far but it feels like thirty minutes. A sign just said another ten minutes till we're there. This whole time we've been talking or I've been texting someone, which is good for my social life, I guess...?

Well we just arrived. It looks nice. The neighborhood is nice. Nice, nice, nice. But at the same time, not, not, not.

The yard is tiny.

It's light green with black shutters, weird combo but whatever. The inside so far seems nice.

My room is smaller than my old one. But I like it better.

It has a bay window with a cushion seat to sit on and look out of. And a bigger closet. And it's carpeted and feels good on my feet.

The moving people are her now. I'm putting you inside the drawer under he window so I can forget about you.

Or think and write while sitting on the cushion, looking out the bay window of the green and black house, toward the nice neighborhood.

Nice, nice, nice.


Katelyn's Diary /-/ Travlyn AUWhere stories live. Discover now