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I was looking at magnus trying to trak down jace while touching the most recent stuff he had."Mag have you- I was in interrupted by max screaming in eight more year which scared magnus and made him drop jace's jacket that I gave him for his last birthday."Max slow down why are you screaming in eight more years"because leaha said she would be my girlfriend when I turn 18".I will have to talk to leaha about this later max,but in the mean time why don't you go play with the other kids"ok bye Alec".and with that said he went away while singing in eight more years.

Turning back around I see magnus barely standing up. He was leaning on a wall,"mag are you okay""I'm fine Alexander its just tracking Jaces stuff really toke up my energy"here asborb mine"Alexander no you need your energy but I wouldn't mine holding your hand".Me I couldn't help but blush push him down on a chair that's when Izz came and saw magnus"hey mag you okay,did Alec do something do I need to hurt someone".

It amaze me how close Izz and magnus have gotten over the past month. "I'm fine Izzy I'm just tired and need rest". "Oh okay can you tell me where leaha is she told me she would help me pick out what to where tonight to hunt down demons" "sorry Izz I don't know and I could tell you now leaha won't be with you guys"and why not"because I said so"magnus your not my father and I can take care of myself, did you forget this past month I've been on my own killing demons while looking for you"I'm going and that's it"

"Do you Even know what your hunting"no but I have the book of demons to help me,I'm also a shadowhunter I have to protect the humans"But who will protect you"You are you goofball"fine you can go but please be safe"I will.ok Izz come on we have a lot to do"what's the book of demons?"A long time ago there were an couple who had immortality to pass the time they traveled the world looking for every magic spell book,they had them all lock in a library only them two and their new baby could go in the library but one day someone started a fire in the library and in trying to escape the parents died bit not before puting a shirck spell on the book and turning the book into jewelry and giving it to there two hundred forty daughter and telling her to run to their sage spot.And I never saw them again""I'm sorry leaha but that didn't answer my question what is the book of demons

"Its a spell book naming all of the demons in the world describing their weakness and how lure and kill them "and you have this book with you right now"was you not listing to they story"where is it"I can trust them"Yea you can".Then next thing I see is leaha holding a big brown book that have Latin words on it."I give you the book of demons".

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