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"Leaha,Izzy come on its time to go"come on let's go before your bother leave us"Alec wouldn't dream of leaving his little sister,if he knows what go for him"laughing me and Izz go to the front of the institute where Alec,Clary,magnus and Simon is.
"Finally can we go now"you didn't tell me she was going too"red hair said to Alec I'm stating to really not like this girl and I think Izzy could tell cause she whisper in my ear she's just tensed but that still dont give her the reason to act like a bitch.

"I would consider myself going since I am a highly train shadowhunter and I've been killing demons longer then you have sweetie"and with that said I go to the table where all my knives where at.I started attaching them to my thighs where my dress covers them so the demons won't see.As I begin Simon comes over to me.

*hey sorry bout Clary she's just a little worked up cause they still can't find jace or valentine*that still don't give her the rights to talk to me like that and she should be the one to say sorry to me not you. And then I walk to magnus, already knowing he's gonna try to stop me from hunting, he really is a great brother."magnus I know your not happy with me hunting but mom let me hunt with her when I turn 100 I'm not that little girl no more you can't protect me all the time,i will get hurt but that's something I'm willing to take if it means a person would be safe no matter what it is".

"your more like your mother then you will ever know,and your right I can't protect you all the time but just promise me you'll be safe"*I will*then go and slay them demons"I will and Maggi, I love"I love you too Lea."hey Alec can I talk to you before you go"magnus called Alec over to tell him goodbye I think I really don't know what's going between them two.

Magnus POV

After talking to leaha I ask Alexander to come here."What do you need Mag's"can you promise that nothing gonna happen to leaha"mag I don't know anything can happen on these hunts but I'll try to."okay and be safe too I don't think I could handle something happening to you two."Alright mag and we will be careful bye magnus.Girls its time to go,bye mag"bye"

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