Chapter 2

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I walk away with Lewis and quietly shut the door behind me. Last night was crazy, Duncan had wandered away from us while we were fetching his red stone, and ended up walking into the beer shop, and taking more than a couple of swigs. That scientist is mellow and calm when he's sober, but while he was drunk, he was dacing all on the tops of all the buildings in the food court. He kept seeing my beard and thinking it was my hair, so he thought I was a dwarf lady. Eventually I just had to lock him in the bedroom because he was seriously getting out of control.

"I dropped a bucket down there, can you get it?" Lewis asks. He has always taken advantage of my dwarven size. Even though I am extremely short, I couldn't reach the bucket. So I took out my shovel.

"I'm a dwarf and I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole!" I chanted as Lewis laughed and waited for his bucket. I retrieved it and threw it up to him. He grabbed it and walked towards Sjin's giant pool statue.

I waited until he was far away to get out of my hole. I figured that if Duncan was going to  be this vaunderable for a while, then I could take advantage of it if I wanted to. I went down the trap door next to my bed and went down to the big head. I quickly fixed it's features from when we broke the blocks to try to catch Sjin after he tricked us. I made sure all the controls were working before heading over to where Duncan was. He was knocked out cold on the floor, he must've slipped off the bed.

Clumsy dingus, I thought as I picked him up a carried him to the big head. I silently thanked my ancestors for swinging a pickaxe so much that gave me much more strength then I will ever need. I put him down carefully on the floor, went back up the ladder quickly to close the hatch, then came back down for him. I took out my special ruby pickaxe and dug out a small room only placing a bed in there and placing Duncan on it. I put an iron door down, and put a lever down on the inside and out of the room. I set up the alarm I stole from SipsCo. and stood off and on the pressure plate a couple of times before hearing Duncan shuffle around. I could tell by the way he stumbled that he was still drunk.

This is going to be hilarious, I thought as I climbed inside of the head and waited to hear the flipping of the switch.

As soon as I did. I heard another one that was closing the door. I heard Duncan gasp, obviously all of the memories of this from before were still lost with his soberty. I started to work the gears of the mouth, and I dusguised my voice as I said, "Hello."

The scietist gasped, "Oh wow that's pretty cool."

"So we meet again Duncan."

"I know you?"

"Yes!" I turned on the firey eyes. "How dare you forget me?"

"Woah, okay calm down." I could hear the blonde stumble backwards into a wall.

"Okay fine." I turned off the eyes.

He hesitated before asking, "What do you want with me?"

That was a good question. What did I want with him? How was I going to mess with him? I decided tojust make him laugh.

"I have a better question for you, LividCoffee."

"And what is that?"

"What does the fox say?" I hrust on the pink and orange lights I had put down here., and flicked them on and off all the while singing "Gering-ding-ding-ding-ding, what does the fox say? Wap-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!" He laughed so hard I think that his goggles fell off.

After I had stopped, I thrust five beers through the big head's mouth and said "Here drink these now and let the darkness succom to you." After hearing him chug a few beers down, it didn't take long before he was out. I climbed out of the head and carried Duncan into his tiny room, laying him own on the bed. I put down a tray, and put on it a peice of cooked pork and two more beers.

I then gently took his backpack off from his back and threw it into the hallway, figuring I would give him a quick scare and then let him out. I then took down the lever that allowed him to leave his room, I grabbed a sign from a chest inside the head and put on it, I will let you out soon, because I want you to be my partner, and I need to finish some things before, so you don't snoop around.

I then walked out of the room and flipped the lever to lock it start.

I have a lot of work to do, I thought to myself as I went to the far wall and started to pick at it.


Heyyyy, I'm sharing this book with GinerW0lf so go to her page to get the first chapter and for the next one! Hope you guys like it! And just in case you hadn't already figured it out, I do it in Simon's perspective, and she does it in Duncan's perspective soo yeah.

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