Chapter 9

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I start my walk back home with my little arms by my side. Duncan can honestly be such a drama queen some times. Doesn't help that he's a know-it-all too. I turn a corner to walk into the forest to see Duncan running into the courtyard of the castle.

"Kim!" I hear him call out to the black haired girl that now turns to look at him.

She says something that I can't quite make out, and he says something as well as he reaches out and grabs her hand.

Ooh lovebirds, I think. I knew it!

I turn my attention away from them and focus on the vague path that runs through the woods that marks the way back. I can't wait to tell Lewis about Duncan's secret romance.

I turn around a tree, and bump into someone. I strain my neck to look up an the person, and discover that it's Ridge.

"Hey Ridge!" I call out to him, wondering if he can hear me, considering that he's nearly three feet taller than me and I have a very deep voice.

"Hello Simon." he says plainly, with a sigh.

My neck started to hurt, so I decided to complain to him about it.

"Do you think you could kneel down so my neck doesn't break?" I call out to him.

He now looks down at me, and nods as he gets on his knees and sits on the heels of his feet, finally becoming eye-to-eye with me.

"What's troubling ya Ridge?" I ask, taking into notice that his stone cold eyes actually seem sad at this time. Maybe I'm just seeing them wrong.

"Simon, I'm having very weird feelings. It's almost as if I'm always tired, and I can't seem to get Kim out of my mind." he says.

It takes all of my will not to gawk at him. Could he be in love with Kim?

"What do you love Kim?" I ask.

He turns to me, letting the idea turn in his head. Then he bows his head in defeat.

"I believe I do." he murmurs.

"Well I don't want to disappoint ya, but I think your gonna have some competition. I saw her and Duncan together not too long ago."



Duncan and Kim? How could this be?

I turn my head up to face the short dwarf standing in front of me.

An emotion that I know all too well swells up inside of me. Anger.

I freeze time so that nobody notices as I fly the short distance to Duncan's castle.

The suspicions of the dwarf were right. I see Duncan and Kim hand-in-hand and smiling as they walk together to Duncan's castle.

The anger inside of me grows and I know that I must get rid of the scientist to ever have the beautiful Kim as mine, for this is the only philosophy I've ever known to get something I want.

I close my eyes and manifest an Ender, making his sole purpose to kill the scientist. I only take time to see the Ender standing in the castle waiting for Duncan to be revealed to him, before heading back to my original spot I was in and bringing time back to normal.



Ridge is in front of me, staring at me with stone cold eyes filled with anger, the side of him I'm used to seeing.

"You okay?" I ask, reaching out one of my hands, before pulling back, remembering his violent history.

"Yes I'm fine." he says.

Suddenly I hear Duncan yell. I turn around, but Ridge grabs my arm and turns me back to face him.

He closes his eyes then says, "He just fractured his ankle, he should be fine, just in a lot of pain, he'll probably be yelling for a while."

I trust what he says, since he has some kind of magical powers or something like that.

"Anyways, that's not the only predicament I wanted to discuss with you." he says.

"Can you say that in English?" I say, since I have no idea what the hell he just said.

"I wanted to talk to you about something else too." he says.

I nod to show him that I understand what he's saying.

"It has come to my attention that you and Duncan have been working on a project in which you are breeding pigs to make them beneficial to certain needs. And I was just wondering what kind of plans you have in mind?" he asks.

That's actually a good question. What is the actual point of doing this?

"I just want to make my beloved pigs better." I say, not exactly knowing what 'beloved' means, but Lewis said it a few times so I think I used it right.

"Are you positive that that there's no possibility of evil purposes in this activity?" he says.

"I'm gonna need that in English again." I say, not even getting what that sentence was about.

He sighs, clearly losing his patience with but, but still understanding, because everybody knows that being smart isn't exactly what I'm good at. Brains means nothing when you're built for digging holes.

"Are you going to kill anybody with these pigs?" he asks slowly, obviously being careful about choosing his words.

"Calm your testosterone Ridge, I'm just doing this for fun." I say.

How could he really think I could be evil?

"Alright, that is all." he says, before going invisible. I guess that means goodbye.

I continue my walk back to Site B. Lewis won't believe all that I have to tell him.


I finally make it back to Site B, and find Lewis searching for something.

"What're ya looking for?" I yell to him.

He turns around and sees me, then starts walking fast over to me.

"Thank gawd you're okay man. Ridge was looking for you earlier." he says.

"Yeah I know, we had a talk in the woods while I was heading back from Duncan's castle." I say and brush past him, even though he is still happy that I came back.

"What did he want to talk about?" he asks, turning around to face me.

"He said that he was in love with Kim. But I told him that Duncan had her in the bag." I say, not making a big deal out of it.

"What?!" he says, obviously not believing me.

"Yeah." I simply say, walking into the marble building that we have.

"Ridge actually has feelings?" he asks, still not buying it.

"Yeah." I say again, too tired from my walk to want to carry on the conversation.

He takes the hint and leaves me alone to sleep and think about what could be going on with Ridge.


Hey guys so I hope you liked this chapter!

 Sorry if this chapter seemed kind of mean. I don't know why it does for me but it just does.

Try to read my other fan fiction 'Scarecrow's Revenge'!


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