Chapter 4

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It's finally complete! I feel bad about turning off the lights in Duncan's cell, and for locking him in there in the first place. But I could tell that he was regaining his soberty, and I didn't want him to escape, because I knew that he probably thought that I was a bad dwarf, or person for all he knows. But now that the room's done, I am ready to show him I quickly cover up the big head with just some cobblestone, then walk over to Duncan's chamber. I put my ear up to the cold iron door and hear Duncan stumbling around again. I then turn on the lights, and I hear him limp towards me.

"Hello? Who's there? Why have you kidnapped me?" Duncan yells on the other side of the door. Yup, he's definitely sober again.

"Read the sign, ya dingus!" I say.


"Yes it's me! Just read the mother trucking sign!" I say, annoyed at his questioning. Why couldn't he just read the sign like I told him to.

I heard him stumble backwards and stop, while he was hopefully reading the sign. I took the opportunity to sneak over to the ladder and put some cobblestone in front of it, sealing off the exit temporarily.

I heard the blonde stumble back to the door. I cut in before he could talk.

"Are you still drunk?"

"Eh, kind of."

I've always wanted to do this, I thought. "Go home Duncan, you're drunk!" I yelled to the door. I laughed hysterically, but Duncan didn't seem to think it was so funny.

"I can't if I'm stuck in this cell. Now if this prank is done, I'll just take my red stone and be going." He said obviously trying to keep him calm with me.

"It's not a prank Duncan. I really do want to be your partner. I have a project that I'm working on, and I want you to help me. I'm going to let you out and show you 'round. And just so you know, I'm not saying that I'm going to use it, but I am loaded with a gun, so don't try anything." I laughed. It was so weird to do this to him, but it was the only way I was going to got this project started. I didn't have all that much of a choice.

"Alright fine. Where did you get a gun from anyways?"

I felt guilty now. "Um...I may or may not have stole it from Yoglabs."

"Lewis is going to be furious with you."

"Lewis can't be furious if he never finds out." I countered.

"Touché." He agreed.

"Okay, I'm going to let you out now." I said my hand wavering on the lever.

"Okay." He said, obviously anxious to get out of his cell.

I flipped the lever and that exposed the blonde. He looked awful. His hair was a mess, his lab coat stained and wrinkled, heavy bags were underneath his eyes, and he walked out of the room with a definite limp.

"Jeez Duncan, did you get hit by a truck?" I said.

He laughed "Sure feels like it."

I picked him up without asking first and started to carry him away. He didn't object, obviously too tired to struggle against me. I carried him to the bathroom I installed while I had to wait for him to wake up. In it I had put a sower with vine curtains, a marble toilet with a latch, an iron mirror, and a marble sink, all of the marble just left over from the construction of the beehive.

"Here take a shower and make your appearance better. I'll be back when you're done. He just stands there and nods.

I close the door and start walking down the hall. I quickly breakaway the barrier to the stairs with my power tool and climb up the ladder. I knew that if I disappeared for too long, Lewis would get suspicious and come looking for me. I couldn't take the chance that he would find the project. I would just have to help him for a few minutes and then go show Duncan around the project.

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