Chapter 31

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Giselle's POV

I feel as if I can't cry anymore. I feel numb. At these moments I wish I had my blades, but I promised I wouldn't break again. I can't fall in the same trap. I've been walking for who knows how long and it's getting dark. I can't seem to find my way back. I'm frightened and lost. I hear the clicking of my shoes hitting the pavement, but not only do I hear mine. I hear someone else's too. I don't dare look back, I can't. If I do, I will be giving off the impression that I'm afraid. I am, but I can't show them that I'm weak. I slightly pick up my pace and make a sharp turn into an empty street. I try to get away, but the sound of the stranger's footsteps follows me. I keep walk faster, shuffling across the sidewalk. I hear their footsteps quicken with mine. I'm now jogging trying desperately to get away. They seem to follow me. Then, I have a brilliant plan. If I go around in a square and end up exactly where I am right now, but they're still behind me, it means they're following me. Damn, I'm good. I walk past the first sidewalk and take a left turn, then another, then another, and another. And finally I'm in the exact same spot I was before, yet they're still behind me. I decide to break into a sudden run. I run although I am exhausted. I quickly take off my shoes bouncing on one foot as I take off my last shoe. I hold them in one hand and run faster. I step on a couple of pebbles, but that doesn't stop me. I hear the footsteps getting closer. I trip over my own feet and come crashing down to the hard cement floor. I hear a snap and a sudden pain hit my arm.

"Giselle! Are you okay!?" I hear someone say. I feel arms wrap around my waist and turn me around. 

"Jesus! Zayn! What the hell are you doing!?" I yell at him, obviously irritated.

"Louis told me to follow you to make sure you'd be safe," He says, he looks down at my arm and his eyes widen. "Holy shit your arm!" He says, pointing at it.

"What about it?" I roll my eyes. Damn it, I haven't broken my arm in what seems like forever. 

"Your bone is sticking out of your skin! What the fuck! Hold on let me get an ambulance!" He says, getting out his phone.

"Wait!," I stop him. "You can't call them!" I say, trying to stand up.

"Stay there, don't move! Why can't I?" He asks. I bite my lip trying to look for an excuse. The truth is, I hate hospitals. They remind me of death and diseases. I hate the smell, the look, and the noise. It seems like there are beeping machines everywhere! "Wait, you're not?" He furrows his eyebrows and smirks.

"What?" I ask. Then he gasps the most fake gasp I've ever heard.

"You're afraid of hospitals!" He yells. I quickly shake my head. "Yes you are! Oh my God, I'm taking you to the hospital," He says. I try to protest, but instead he picks me up and carries me in his arms.

"You do know that I can walk, right? My arm is broken, not my leg," I say, mentally rolling my eyes.

"Oh, right," He says, putting me down and then grabbing his phone to call someone.

"Who was that?" I ask, once he hangs up on the person that was on the other line. 

"A cab driver to take us to the hospital. You didn't think we were going to walk there, did you?" He asks. I did, that's what I've been doing for my whole life to get to places.

"Well, I walk wherever I need to be all the time, so yeah I kind of did," I say shrugging. 

"You really need to get a car," He scoffs.

"Yeah? Well, to be able to get a car you need money, and to be able to get money you need a job. So first, I have to get a job," I say.

"Well, maybe you're new foster parents can get you one eh?" He says, nudging my side. I laugh and shake my head.

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