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Jacob is on my bed on his phone on hop in the bed next him he looks at me he grabs my phone and turns it off I look at him he grabs my chin and looks at my lips he gets closer closer closer and closer he put his lips on mine and started to kiss me then he started to add some tung and a lot more tung I stop and looked at him and i got on top of him and he started again then his mom walked in opps I left the front door unlock and the bedroom door lol but wasn't thinking we would get this far. His moms mouth dropped and she started to back up and said quickly dinner is ready whenever you come home then she closed the door I got off of him he looked at me and asked why I got off I said cause I'm not comfortable anymore I say sadly then he got up and grabs my waist and went lower he picked me up and laid on the bed we where on the bed making out for 2hours then we stopped then we stared again I was kissing him for 3 more hours then I gave him one last kiss and said its time to go now he said no but I said yes he got his things and kissed me again then we fell on the bed again we were there for so long I finally said its time to go now my mouth hurts he said ok and gave me one more kiss and left I read for a bit and then went to sleep💤

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