Three mounths later

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School had started and me and Jacob haven't been talking he been busy on his career. I was at school and my best friend samara ran up to me and jump on my back.what are u doing!?lol. I'm jumping on ur back ,well there u go u go ur answer so how have u been,I been ok u? Fantastic amazing fabu.ok we get it that's good. Ok well I got to go to class ok bye. Hours later it's finally lunch I don't eat much so I just got a juice box and a apple. I heard a voice behind me I turn around it was Jackson he said yeah want to go out sometime I stood there in silence cause when he said that all I could think about was Jacob and then I thought I don't think me and Jacob are dating so I said yes. I went to class and Jackson kept texting me. School was over so I started to head to my lock and I seen a hoverboad in it I had a not the not e said (HEY BB CANT WAIT FOR TONIGHT RIDE THIS from:JACKSON) I grabbed it and rode it home. I stared at Jacobs house for a bit then I went in side I looked out my window cause Jacob lived right next to me so I look out the window and his light was off and is door was shut and his blinds were open. I couldn't stop thinking of him. But that actually mad me really sad

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