My life is over

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Mom is that I j says yes honey it's me. I fell asleep for bout 4hrs I woke up and food was literally in my face and my mom kept putting it in my mouth I fell back asleep. I woke up and doctors all around and my heart was beating so fast then it slows down and then I hear a straight beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb then my eyes lids just fall so heavily.
Gabbys mom picked up the phone and stared to tear up I was throwing a ball in the air in our gym alone my mom told me the news I was balky so hard I went to my room and cried for so long i stayed in there for two days and without any food sence that happened I came down for dinner cause my mom command me to come down to be honest I was not so hungry I was spinning my fork making my noodles swirl. 10 mins later my mom said I have to eat something I looked at her and I got up and walked to the gym and Laid right in the middle of the gym floor and started so think and cry a little I went in the theater room and hooked up my phone to the huge screen and watch sillily moments with him it made me laugh I was In there for 7hrs straight we had flipagrams YouTube videos you now moments music.lys vines Instagram pics tweets and diff stuff to. I walked out to the kitchen my mom got a call then hang up it was the...........

Sorry about the wrong spellings☺️

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