Chapter Six: Moisturize

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Always, always, always be sure to moisturize. Even if you have oily skin, your skin still needs moisture. Too many people make the mistake of overcleansing their face and then skipping the moisturizer. After washing your face, you remove lots of the essential oils your skin needs. Washing should only remove the excess oil, but many cleansers often remove too much. In order to compensate for the loss, you must replenish your skin’s moisture.  If you do not, your skin will be too dry. Oil glands will actually start to produce more oil to compensate for the dryness.

For Oily/Combination Skin: Be sure to choose light moisturizers. In the summer, use a gel. In the winter, use a lighter cream or just stick with the gel.

For Dry/Sensitive Skin: Avoid moisturizers with fragrance/parfum. Use cream moisturizers. During the summer, switch to a lighter formula.

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