Chapter Seven: Lemon or Lemon

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Dear Beauty Diary,

                         Do you have dull, oily, and aging skin? Well, the solution lies right inside your fridge! Lemons can help dramtically improve

your complexion in 7 different ways. Look below for the 7 great benefits of lemons. With these superfruits, you can finally achieve the

fresh, clean, and clear summer skin you've been dreaming of!

01. Exfoliation

Lemons contain gentle fruit acids that are ideal for exfoliating the skin. Applying small amounts of pure lemon juice (no sugar) onto your skin can help remove dead skin cells, maintaining a clear, youthful looking skin. To exfoliate, simply apply a few drops of lemon juice onto the palms of your hand and massage it over your face for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water afterwards. After this, you may experience sensitivity to the sun. It's important to wear sunscreen afterwards and stay protected.

02. Brightening

Lemons are popular natural whitening products. Applying lemon juice onto your face or darker areas of the body (elbows and knees) can help improve pigmentation. The vitamin C in lemons also help regulate melanin synthesis, keeping your skin light and bright! Be sure to apply sunscreen after treatment; otherwise, your skin may darken.

03. Protection

Every day we encounter damage to our skin from the sun, pollution, and stress. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and can help protect the skin from free radicals, maintaing  fresh, young-looking skin. Mix a bit of lemon juice into one of your favorite homemade masks and enjoy the benefits of its antioxidants. 

04. Toning

Tired skin? No problem. Regain your glow, shrink pores, and improve your complexion with this simple concoction:

1) In a glass of water, squeeze half a lemon and add a few cucumber slices.

2) Shake, shake, shake.

3) Let stand for 5 minutes.

4) With a cotton ball, wipe your face with the mixture for 1 minute.

5) Rinse afterwards with cold water. 

05. Hydration & Nourishment

 Not only do lemons contain vitamin C, they are also a good source of folate, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. These nutrients help detoxify, repair, and renew the skin.

Use this 20 minute mask to re-energize you skin: 

1) Use 1 teaspoon of lemon, 1 teaspoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon of black tea leaves.

2) Mix, mix, mix.

3) Apply onto face. Wait 20 min.

4) Rinse afterwards with lukewarm water.

06. Anti-aging

The vitamin C in lemons helps prevent wrinkles and maintains skin elasticity so your skin won't sag. Vitamin C also helps regulate melanin synthesis (preventing dark spots) and is essential to the production of collagen, keeping your skin nice and firm.

07. Cleansing

If your skin is oily, and clogged pores or blackheads are often a problem, lemons can help. Because of its exfoliating and astringent properties, an overnight lemon juice treatment on problem areas can help you achieve beautiful, smooth skin in the morning. Simply apply the lemon juice onto the skin with a cotton swab where needed and let it dry.

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